Chapter 39: Nothing Is Left

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Mahiru took a deep breath thinking she'll take down kiska right now but suddenly motorcycle engine got louder and it was Mikey and Draken with Hina?

(Long writing short)

Izana was only waiting for Mikey and he came, without wasting any time Izana and Mikey started fighting.

He landed many kicks on Mikey but he dodged few, it kinda looked like Mikey was losing, they were talking about shinichiro and his life during the fight.

"Shinichiro and Emma are dead aren't you alone too!" He yelled.

"Your wrong Izana, You still have a brother and I too have a brother" he stoped.

"I wanted to save you Izana" Mikey stated "shut up" he yelled and threw punch on Mikey but he dodged.

"Your starting to miss" and punch Izana on his face.

Mikey punch him a couple of times but he couldn't dodge anymore he was pissed and angry about the fact that he thinks shinichiro and Emma are taking his side.

Mahiru couldn't do anything seeing that his best friend and the guy she waited for atleast 10 year were fighting she didn't know who's side to take.

He yelled and took the gun from kisaki
"Give me that!! If I lose this fight that means I've lost everything right" he pointed the gun at Mikey.

Kisaki shot kakucho "Again and Again my plans are always ruined by Hanagaki" kakucho ran towards him while yelling.

"This is bad" Mahiru notice there was a pipe beside her "this might help" she thought and pick it up, and ran towards Kisaki.

*Gun shot* Mahiru swing the pipe she was holding and hit kisaki on his head "DIE!" but Izana was shot but why! Turns out Izana came in between protecting kakucho.

Kakucho was already down he got shot once and Izana was shot twice cause he missed one bullet.

"Izana-san!!" Mahiru went to Izana and kneel down, Everyone present there mostly shocked.

"Im so sorry I was no use I swear to protect you but I- I-" Mahiru started tearing up looking at Izana wounded body, she hold his hand.

"That was a hell of a hit you don't have to be sorry I'm still glad I got to meet you, and thank you for your help" he said as he cough out blood.

"Help?" Kakucho crawl to Izana "Mikey you said you want to save me right?"

"Off course Izana you're my brother you don't have to talk" Mikey replied.

"Me shinichiro you and emma we are not siblings,... I'm blood related to no one" he said smiling but went quite.

"Izana answer me HEY IZANA!" Kakucho yelled and hold his hand.

"Izana it's okay you won't be alone I'll be there with you shortly we lived such great lives" kakucho said, Mahiru was quite the whole time.

"Im sorry but I have to finish this Kakucho-san take care of Izana for me" Mahiru said in a cold voice and got up, she look at Kisaki with those insane expression her pupil were smaller but her tears didn't stoped and she had a creepy smile.

"Mahiru stop" Mikey called, but she didn't, she walked to him and look at him, Kisaki was looking around trying to find that gun.

When he did, he crawled towards it to shoot Mahiru but before he could grab it Mahiru step on his hand(stopping him).

"This is bad" Asura whispered she was standing beside Takemicchi.

"Huh?" Takemicchi asked looking at her.

"Our president had that expression 3years ago to a guy who used to beat her sister who is in our gang"

"What did she do to him?" Takemicchi asks.

"President made him eat rocks and dirt and made him beg for his life he was saved that day cause of Hasegawa, that's why Hasegawa always stick to her and make sure that won't happen again" she replied.

"This is your end kisaki tetta" Mahiru said in a cold deep voice, Kisaki Yelp in pain as Mahiru step harder.

"Ya know your just a nerd who is trying to take revenge just because a girl chosed you over him" Mahiru kick him on the stomach.

"You were lucky I didn't kill you in bloody halloween" she continuously punched him.

"Mahiru that's enough Tenjiku already announced defeat" Mikey stated.

"Your gonna die before me" Mahiru said and grab his collar and got him up.

*Motorcycle engine* it was Hanma he took kisaki while driving away.

Mahiru sighed and took a deep breath "ASURA!!" she yelled

"Hai" she replied everyone realised that time that it's her gang members after all.

"Take Takemicchi and follow them here!" She threw her bike key and told Takemicchi get on and they follow them.

"Kuroi Tenshi retreat" she yelled

Police siren were heard from afar Mahiru look at Izana's wounded body.

"President lets go!" Hasegawa yelled as she started the bike but Mahiru didn't moved she was looking down at her blooded hand.

Mahiru couldn't hear anything but Haruki voice "I'll try my best, so you try your best too, how's that Mahiru-chan?"

"Mahiru? Mahiru!" Hasegawa's voice got clearer and clearer, she turned towards her, Hasegawa got no other choice but to carry her out of there "TOMAN RETREAT" everyone were getting out but some of them were arrested.

Mahiru sat behind Hasegawa she remembered sitting like this behind Sato when Haruki died.

After few minutes of driving Hasegawa followed Mikey and Draken on their bike, they stop at a bridge Mahiru got off looking down, her eyes were still widened, but tears didn't stop.

"Mahiru?" Hasegawa trying to comfort her.

"Im sorry this is all my fault" Mahiru said in a quavering voice.

"It wasn't your fault it was kisaki's"

"No you were right we shouldn't have get ourselves involve I'm sorry I got Kuroi Tenshi involved"

"Mahiru are you okay?" Mikey called as he and Draken came running towards them.

Mahiru look the other way, she wiped her tears with her sleeves and turned to him with a smile.

"I'm fine let's go home" she walk towards Hasegawa and told her to go.


Author note; I'll be uploading atleast 2-3 in a day and it might take few days but I'll upload them together from now on.

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