Chapter 40: What Happened Next?

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"The five arrested are Tenjiku exclusive
And 2 wounded kurokawa Izana and kakucho hitto, Izana kurokawa identify death"

Mahiru turned off the TV putting a blanket over her head and laying on the couch "you promised you'll teach me your moves......liar"


"Hey lets go here!" Mahiru said pointing at the rollercoaster, looking at Izana.

"Really that!?" He replied as a sweat fell on his forehead.

"Why, you scared?" Mahiru teased smirking.

"What off course not pffft-" Izana had no choice but to follow her to the rollercoaster.

"AHHHH WAHHH YEAHHHH"  it was over after few min Izana looked like he was about to puke.

"Now here I want one" Mahiru pull Izana's sleeve as she called him.

"Okay then give me one" Izana asked the owner it was shooting game.

"Im so sorry but you lost!" The owner said sarcastically.

The Town opened a amusement park for few days and they cheat to get free money, Izana got mad cause he got the target like 5 times.

"Dude are you kidding me, do you want me to kick your balls off!!" Mahiru threatened the owner and pull up her sleeve.

"Im sorry but you lost" he put his both hand infront of him waving.

"I know you cheated" Mahiru climbed the table trying to hit the owner "come here" she reached out to grab him but Izana carried her to the other direction.

"Hey calm down it's okay we'll buy something else, how about this" he took a small package that had 2 rings.


"It has our initial too, here" she gaved one to Mahiru that was written 'I' in the middle of the ring and he took the 'M'

"It looks cool" Mahiru angry face turned into a smile  "now let's go there" Mahiru ran towards the mirror maze.

Mahiru was a gang leader but she was like a kid with enormous energy, she act cool infront of her gang members to just be like a good gang leader (*shrugged)

"You look like a jellyfish" Mahiru laugh looking at disfigured Izana.

"What about you? You look like a stick" he teased back, Mahiru did look like a stick.

They spend the afternoon Trying other games and winning stuff, it was already evening.

"Lets go there I promise this will be the last" Mahiru dragged Izana till the photo booth cause he was too exhausted.

They took some pictures together total was 2 strip it got 3 picture on both strip they decided to take one each and went home.

While walking home it was already night and the street light were on.

"Hey where did you learn how to fight?" Mahiru asked walking beside him she was carrying few bags.

"Hmm I got bullied a lot when I was out of the orphanage and I guess I just-.....

Mahiru got startled by the sudden knock on her door causing her to wake up, she tried to get up but the knocking stoped.

_____________________ After 2 months
___________March 25th

It's been 2 months since Izana died, no one has heard anything from Mahiru yet, Kakucho went to visit her.

"Mahiru-chan?" He twisted the door knob and open it, he saw someone was slurping noodles infront of the TV and the place was a mess.

Mahiru turned and saw Kakucho he turned on the light.

"Hey! you're all better! Come take a seat" Mahiru got up and sat on the couch as she quickly cleaned the area.

"How have you been it looks like your not getting enough sleep" he said and sat down.

"What? Im fine just bored" she fake smile and hugged her knees together.

"Umm Kakucho-san do you miss him?" Mahiru mutter.

Kakucho look surprised but he gaved a smiled and reply "yeah a lot" mixed with a chuckle.

Mahiru had light dark circles under her eyes and her hair was white and she had a eye patch on her left eye.

"I wanted you to have this" he handed her something in cloth bag, Mahiru was confused but she took it.

"What's this-?" Her eyes got widened when she noticed it was Izana's Tenjiku uniform it still had the 2 hole from kisaki's gun.

"I thought it's better if you keep that-" he stopped when he noticed Mahiru was tearing up while clenching on the uniform.

"Im sorry if you dont want it I can take it back" he panicked and got up trying to take it but stop halfway.

"No I'll keep this thank you" Mahiru wiped her tears and smiled slightly.

"Im glad and take care of yourself" he pat her head and went towards the door before he could reach the door Mahiru called him.



"If you don't mind can I take his p-place" Mahiru got up from where she was sitting.

Kakucho thought about it for few minutes and gaved a soft smile "Yes you'll made a great Izana"

Mahiru eyes got widened by what he said she got up from where she was sitting and bow 90 degree "Thank you I'll try my best"

Mahiru reference


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