Chapter 48: Say Goodbye!

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Mahiru asked Smiley the location and she went there leaving Haru cause she was in a hurry.

After few minutes of driving and telling herself "please don't be true" continuously she reached and saw Nana's back figure she was waiting for her luggage.

"Nana!!" she called, Nana got startled by the sudden call cause she knew she didn't told Mahiru.

"Ruru-chan?" She slowly turned around surprised, Mahiru walked up to her and hold both of her shoulder.

Nana thought she might be angry or yell at her for not telling her, shs clench her both eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me that your were leaving!!? I'm so happy for you" Mahiru said trying to smile her eyes were fill with tears.

"I- RURU-CHAN" Nana started crying.

"Don't cry why are you crying" nana didn't stop and hug Mahiru.

"I tried to tell you but I was afraid you might get angry and end your friendship with me" Mahiru couldn't say anything but comfort her at this moment, she hugged her back and pat her head.

"Why the hell would I do that, your the best friend I had this last 5 years, Thank you for that nana-chan" Mahiru said crying but wipe her tears quickly.

"And here I got this for this" Mahiru broke the hug and took the keychain out from her pocket.

"For what?" Nana asked wiping her tear.

"I was gonna give you this on your birthday but I guess it's not possible so" Nana took the keychain "kawaii~" she smiled brightly.

"Take care, when you become a great fashion designer then I'll be your model some day" she said playfully and pat her head.

"Haii I'll try my best" Nana made a fist, Mahiru realised and gaved fist bump, crying a bit and smiling.

Mahiru watched the train getting smaller and smaller and finally it disappeared.

"Mahiru!!" Haru came yelling he was panting hard catching his breath.

Mahiru quickly wiped her tears and turned to him with the same bored expression she had.

"Lets go" she said shoving her hand on her pocket and walking pass him, Haru must have noticed she was crying, he back hugged her.

"Haru? What the hell are you doing?" She hold his right arm(suddenly flashback when baji did)

"You don't have to be strong all the time y'know" he said, Mahiru started tearing up while clenching on his arm.

"We know how hard you try to keep this gang together"

*Flashback when Mahiru stoped a fight at her hideout and almost lose all her gang members*

"And we're glad your the one who's doing it"

*flashback Mahiru was crying at the bridge and haru was hiding somewhere near that bridge watching her*

Mahiru broke the hug and took a deep breath "Thank you Haru, now let's go we have a gang to kill" she said and ran and Haru ran behind her.

-At the Hideout-

Everyone was present Mahiru was making an announcement about the death of Ayo-chan and Kantou Manji gang.

After the meeting Everyone left, Mahiru notice Akira had the same expression since yesterday.

"She hasn't shed any tears since her sister passed away, do you think she's even sad?" Hasegawa said folding her arms standing near Mahiru.

"Yeah I do she just need some time" Mahiru got up and went out the door.

The day went by as usual there was no news from the 3 Deities yet, Mahiru was going home after her shift at the Ramen shop, she was carrying a plastic bag with Ramen, while enjoying the cold night breeze.

"Im gonna have Ramen Tonight, whats better then Miso Ramen" she started dreaming about having the Ramen, her mouth started watering.

Something caught her eye, she saw a girl on the bridge, she was looking down and her face was covered with her hair, Mahiru knew who she was.

"Akira-san?" Mahiru called and she quickly wiped her tears "president? Are you going home-" she was cut off when Mahiru hugged her.

"It's okay to cry y'know, you don't have to be strong all the time" Akira was shocked by what Mahiru did but she couldn't help but cry.

"I know how it feels like to lose someone who was with you through out your life and loved you" Mahiru drop her bag, her one hand was on her head and other was on her back.

"She was a pain in the ass, she would always wear my clothes, and use my make up, but why do I miss her so much" Akira cried on Mahiru's arms.

"Thank you, Mahiru-san" she said crying.

"Hey don't call me san"

"Hey ruru-chan let's go" Nana said running towards the water.

"But Nana isn't this too visible!!" Mahiru yelled putting a blanket over her.

"What off course not just get in, Mikey and the other's will be here soon" she replied from afar.

"Ahh finee then, Mahiru put the blanket on the chair and went towards nana,
Mahiru hair was long.

Mahiru was wearing a black bikini but on top of that she was wearing a thin cardigan cause she didn't want her tattoo to be visible.

Later Toman came and they all enjoy there time at the beach but Mahiru notice Baji was no where to be seen so she asked Draken and he replied, baji went to fill gas on Mikey's bike.

Mahiru follow the way Baji went cause they needed some supplies too.

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