Chapter 26: Bloody halloween pt.2

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They started the fight Kazu tried to punch Mikey but Draken blocked him, but Hanma punched Draken cause he want Kazu to fight Mikey.

It was 300 against 150 and as expected Takemicchi was being a punching bag.

Kazutora started running and Mikey just ran after him "Kazutora you just gonna keep running" he stopped and two people came infront of Mikey and punched him.

The two people started fighting with Mikey and later they hold Mikey's arms and legs that's when I noticed kazutora suddenly hit Mikey on his head making him unconscious.

(Im not gonna write this all part in detail and im guessing y'all had already read or watched this part in manga or anime)

"Tell me one thing kazutora, am I your enemy?"

"Offcourse your my enemy it's your fault I got send to juvie" kazutora replied vein pop on his forehead.

I was just worried nana hasn't heard that part.

Mikey still got up but they hold his arms and legs, kazutora started hitting Mikey on his head several time.

He hit Mikey on the head which made him lose consciousness Draken yelled and tried to go to Mikey but Hanma was there to stop him.

"To become a hero I'll kill the enemy!"
He started hitting him again and again, I couldn't resist but it wasn't my fight I'm only here to save Baji.

"Mikey lost" Rindou said.

Kazutora didn't stoped hitting Mikey on his head and he was bleeding so much,
"To kill the enemy? So that's the reason you killed my brother"

Mikey said lifted the guy who was holding his leg and kicked kazutora on his head with one strike he was laying on the pile of car unconscious.

But Mikey fell kneeling on top of the car, now it was an advantage for the Valhalla members they started running towards Mikey to finished him cause if they take out the leader they win.

Everyone on Valhalla started yelling and ran towards Mikey, there was this guy with a mask he went after Mikey to finished him ofc, and Takemicchi tried to run pass everyone but he couldn't.

Suddenly someone hit that guy with the mask and it was Kisaki Mahiru clenched her fist and tried to react fast incase something happen.

"I'll leave Mikey to you!!!" Draken yell and they started fighting again.

Running footsteps got louder and it was Baji was holding a pipe and hit kisaki on his head yelling "KISAKI!!!"

Kisaki was down then suddenly someone grab Baji by his back coller and threw him down, and it was that guy who was with Kisaki at the third division nomination.

Baji still got up he was ready to take Kisaki out, but suddenly Chifuyu show up infront of baji "If you take out Kisaki you'll be going against Mikey-kun" he said but he was cut off when baji hit him on head with the pipe he was holding.

They started talking about not to do or not to kill Kisaki they couldn't Hear cause we were sitting pretty far, Takemicchi came yelling and tried to tackle baji but he didn't move.

Takemicchi told Chifuyu to stop baji but he cried and said I can't hit baji-san, baji hit Takemicchi with his elbow on his head Takemicchi almost fell but he didn't.

Suddenly kazutora stab baji, Takemicchi tackle him, chifuyu yell at kazutora, Takemicchi and chifuyu trying to help baji, but he punch both of them and said stay out of my way.

Baji tied his hair and grab the pipe he was holding, he ran towards Kisaki but infront of him there were many third division members protecting Kisaki cuz he was the third division captain.

Baji fought them all but Mahiru realised kazutora still stab him and it was deep,, she took out her phone and texted Omari to get ready to send the police and the ambulance when she tell her to.

Now baji was standing infront of kisaki pointing the tip on kisaki's neck, but he cough out blood and fell chifuyu quickly went to baji and scremed.

Suddenly Mikey got up and went towards kazutora and started beating him up.

"You got mad just for me Thanks man" we saw baji getting up, he was walking towards Mikey and kazutora he went through his pocket and took out a knife.

Mahiru knew baji for a long time and she knew what he was about to do so she wore her cap and ran towards him.

"Oi what happened" Rindou said but she ignore him and ran pretty fast, baji hold the knife with two hands and he was trying to stab himself but at that moment Mahiru kick the knife out of his hand.

"Mahiru?" He said looking at Mahiru she had tears in her eyes.

"The fuck you think your doing" she said and yelled "MIKEY STOP!!!" He stoped and now everyone was now looking at her.

She texted Omari "now" and grab the pipe with a creepy smile.

"Oh no!" Nana said, Ran and Rindou turned and asked "what happened"

"It's Mahiru's insane expression" Rindou and ran were confused what is she talking about.

"Mahiru make that face when she loses control or is about to do something badd" nana said and Rindou thought "she's doing this for that guy Baji"

"If you want to do something then do it the right way" Mahiru grin and grab the pipe which baji was holding.

"You want that guy dead" she said smiling slightly at Baji and a creepy smile "okay"

She took off her cap and ran towards Kisaki holding the pipe, Kisaki widened his eyes and Mahiru hit him on head.

But baji cough out blood causing Mahiru's attention she let her guard down and looked at baji.

That's when someone punched Mahiru but she blocked it with her arm and fell down, and went to Baji.

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