Chapter 62: Prosperous

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"What! Im coming too" Inupi sound worried but we didn't want him to come with us.

"Seishu-kun you can't!"

"Why! Y'all might need my help" he insisted but we still didn't want any trouble, so we made a deal.

"Okay fine, me and Hasegawa are going today and we'll call you if we need anything and if you dont hear from us in 5days then you can come as back up" thankfully he agreed and we got ready for Okayama.

"So when is the train leaving?"

"In the evening around 4"

"That's in half-hour let's get going.

Long story short and four hours of train ride, we reached Okayama I was a little nervous and scared but I don't want anything to happen to them.

"So what's your plan?" Hasegawa asked sitting on her bed, we book a cheap hotel room since we weren't gonna stay here for long.

"Well tomorrow we'll go to my so-called family home and y'know talk to them to let them go"

"And how do you where they live?"

Mahiru got up and went through her bag and took out an envelope "when kita was going back to Okayama he left me this saying 'if you wanna ever visit come to this address' it's there real house address"

"Gimme, it's in Yakage we'll go tomorrow rest for now you seem stress"

-Next Day-

"Let's go and kick some ass" I said and wore my Tenjiku uniform, surprising it still fits.

We took a taxi and reached even the driver warned us about the Asano.

"Let's do this!" I tied my hair in high pony and rung the door bell.

3rd pov

"How can I help you?" The same girl opened the door.

"We would like to meet the eldest,  Mrs.Hiroko" Mahiru bow 90 digree and the girl thought she must knew someone from the family and let her in.

"What did you just do?" Hasegawa asked whispering.

"Kita-kun told me to do it if I wanna get in"

"Yes how can I help you?" The eldest asked sitting on the same spot.

"I Am Asano Mahiru, daughter of Asano Haruki, obaasan is that name familiar to you" Mahiru said with a creepy smile.

"And how may I believe you?"

"Oh you need evidence!" Mahiru unzip her Tenjiku uniform and showed her the tattoo of the youngest child.

"That's not possible" the grandmother clenched on her cloth.

"Now give me back my friends" she said in anger.

"Guards" she called and two huge guy came "get the intruders" she instructed them to get Mikey and others.

"Mahiru" suddenly Hasegawa called and she turned in surprised, someone had hold Hasegawa by her arms stopping her from moving.

"You did a big mistake" Hasegawa chuckled and turned his head to the guy causing him to drop a sweat.

Hasegawa hold the guy's arm and threw him forward causing him to hit his head on the floor.

"We ain't that weak!" Dark aura coming from her.

Grunting and groaning sounds came and it was the Mikey and others, there're hands were tied and there eyes were shut with a cloth.

"What do you want from them!"

"Nothing we just wanna know Who You are?"

"Me? I already told you!"

"That's not enough, you see Haruki choose his own path by betraying his own family and he just decided to leave"

"What? That's bullshit!"

"Huh? Oh right you might know something else, care to share"

"Haruki was killed by someone during a gang war, and he didn't leave this family, he loved this family but cause of your self-esteem y'all forced him out, why? Cause he couldn't fight like you guys, cause he wasn't strong enough!" She exclaimed.

"Huh see kid now your gonna make stuff up and we'll believe you!?" The girl who opened the door aka the only girl siblings in Asano stated.

"Yeah cause that's the truth, there was not a single day he wouldn't talk about you guys, about how great Teruhiko's moves are" she look at Teruhiko, he was also present there and so was everyone in the family.

"About how fast Hiroko moves and how pinned her opponent" Hiyoko has the 'realisation' face.

"And Yoshihiko-san your the one who killed him" she exclaimed, everyone looked at him with a shocked face.

"HUH!!" He got angry cause she just exposed him.

"Don't talk shit kid"

"Really? 'your a disgrace in the name of this family' ain't this what you said"

"How do you know that?" He barf out and everyone realised she was telling the truth.

"Im sorry but I never wanted this, I never wanted to meet any of you, after Haruki died I had to do things on my own nothing feels the same ever again"

"I- I'm so sorry my child but can you stay with us and-" she was cut off by Mahiru.

"No, I can't I'm sorry but I just can't, I can't stay with a family who doesn't even care about their own child" the obaasan was crying

"Im sorry but I don't wanna be a part of this family, y'know before I go Haruki-san wanted to be on the top so that he can prove himself to you all, and guess what I live that dream and now WE are the top delinquent of Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Osaka"

They let Mahiru take the others out and let them go "Hasegawa take them outside" Mikey, Draken and Takemicchi were still blind folded and Hasegawa helped them getting out the house.

"Before I go, can I know the reason why you killed him?" She turned to Yoshihiko.

"I- when I found out he was the head of Yakuza, I got jealous and I wanted to take his place so-"

"For your own selfish deeds you killed him and I'm guessing none of members wanted you to be their leader since they were very loyal to Haruki" Yoshihiko was ashamed.

"I promise myself when I found out who killed Haruki-san I'll kill that guy, but now it'll be too easy you deserve to live with that" Mahiru left without saying anything else.

She got out the door wiping her tears, she saw Hasegawa untying Draken's hands.

"Let me help" she untied Takemicchi's then Mikey's.

"Mikey I'm so sorry-" Mahiru finished untying Mikey's rope but the first thing she didn't expect was a hug from Mikey.

"Mikey-" she exclaimed, but Mikey's hug only got tighter and tighter (not suffocating her)

"Im so glad your back" he cried and she hugged him back.

Takemicchi, Draken and Hasegawa smiled looking at eachother.

"Now let's go back to Shibuya, everyone's been worried sick" Mahiru suddenly heard Mikey's stomach groaning.

"You hungry?" He nodded.

"Aish" Mahiru face palm herself "then let's eat first" Mikey happily agreed and they all walk side-by-side (talking and catching up)

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