Izukus shadows - Adopted

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Adopted by @Cassiushayes

Izuku Yagi is a kind boy, he was determined and kind, but also very intelligent, but when needed was serious and cold.

When izuku was 4 he was diagnosed to have the quirk of absolute darkness manipulation. The quirk allowed him to use darkness in any way he wanted, like travel around, turn himself to a shadow for attacks to phase through him, and many more.

His parents hated his quirk and neglected him in favour for his younger twin sister, who bullied him along with the bakugo twins and todoroki twins because he had a "villains quirk".

The only people who cared for him was his uncle Nezu and uncle aizawa, both helped izuku all the time and trained and tutored him.

Over the years before UA he train his body to the limit, being physically stronger then even the strongest body builders, while keeping a nice build. Along side that he learnt multiple martial arts, as well as how to use a sword properly.

While training, his uncle Nezu told izuku about a natural ability some people could use called ki. Ki allowed izuku to sense others around him, as well as sense what they are about to do based on their movements and the movement of the muscles before they move. (If this is wrong tell me please, it has been a while since I have seen the show)

Izuku trained hard and became a formidable opponent to even some of the top heros, join him on his adventure to becoming a high ranking hero.

Ship: anyone you want

He is basically Yami, but also with rouges abilities from fairytale. you can either have the story like a future kinda style like canon, or you can do a medieval style, since you can't tell by how the idea is written, and it doesn't matter anyway.

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