support izuku

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Izuku Yagi is a energetic boy, he loves to tinker with things, even if he is told not to, and loves to help people. He never cared for being a hero, but wanted to be a support gear maker.

When he was 4, he and his family went to find out the kids quirks. When there they found out they both had quirks, izumi has a powerful telekinesis quirk, she can use it like her mother, but is also able to create barriers, and can enhance herself using it.

For izuku, he has the perfect quirks for him, he has 2, one was called blueprint, which allowed him to create a blueprint of any invention he could think off, there being no limitation to what he could create. While the other was called material creation, which allows him to summon any material he could think off, even if it was from a comic, or a anime or any other fantasy world.

He was so happy he could follow his dream, and as soon as he got home, he shot to his room so he could start making things.

A few weeks later, his aunt's and uncles come round, they are all talking until Nezu mentions the whereabouts of izuku, which made them all worry until inko said he was in his room, to which they all went to, they found him creating a robot which was floating with tubes with needles attached to it.

Intrigued, Nezu asked what it was, to which izuku explained it was a robot that could hopefully heal others, he just needed to create the healing formula. Everyone was amazed and izuku showed how it worked, with it floating around and following whoever wanted to try.

While izuku grew up, be created more and more, and eventually was in the UA support course where he always wanted to go.

Join him as he starts his own support company, and as he creates more things that could explode.

Ship can be with anyone.

Quirks: I already explained the quirks, just scroll back if you need. Only thing I didn't mention is, the blueprint quirk boosts his intelligence for the required subjects, so science in multiple fields, maths and engineering. The only drawback is he gets headaches the more blueprints he creates.

He will have the tendancy to blow things up like mei, except it's much less common.

He invented a lot of things, inventors had never thought of doing.

He is a genius who's intelligence is on par with nezus.

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