konohas dark swordsman

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Naruto is a kind boy who is loved by the villagers, as he doesn't have the kyuubi in him, but behind his happiness is a lot of sadness.

The sadness is from the neglect he is subjected to by his parents and godparents (tsunade and jiraiya). Because of this he trains alone, he mainly works on his physical strength and skills, such as taijistsu and his swordsmanship.

He has never really been able to use his chakra for jutsu, for this he is bullied, but he fights back.

One day when he is 12, he is training with his usual sparring partner, yugao uzuki, when she is summoned by the hokage, but because they are in battle, she didn't realise.

Worried for his anbu commander, he summons a few other anbu and goes with them, along with his wife, to look for her, when they find her and Naruto sparring in training grounds 7.

After the fight, Naruto reveals that he knows her sword style by heart, and demonstrates it, shocking everyone on how he did that, he explains to yugao about his new technique, ki.

He also had the idea to channel his chakra into a book, since he could use his chakra to enhance his abilities, and asked yugao if she had one. When she said no, she went to get him a plain book, and returned only watch Naruto channel all his chakra into the book.

Watch Naruto as he becomes a feared swordsman, who is nicknamed, the dark swordsman of konaha.

Naruto is basically Yami, but will know more sword styles. Naruto will become genin, and will leave for a training trip for 3 years the same time canon Naruto does.

His parents neglect him for his 3 siblings, who have the 9 tails split between them.

During his training trip, he will be put into the bingo books as a S-class ninja, and will be very feared throughout the nations.

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