izuku senju, the battle medic

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Izuku Yagi is a kind boy, he helps anyone whenever he can, and has a liking for medical stuff, always helping his sister and friends when they get hurt, he is very smart, even at a young age, he was able to learn how to properly help people who are hurt in different ways. Izuku is neglected and bullied after he is misdiagnosed as quirkless. He finds out about his quirk allowing him to heal himself, soon after then neglect starts, but he is smart enough not to tell anyone, as they will only like him for his power, which he didn't like.

Tsunade is his grandmother, she loves and cares for izuku the most out of her grandkids, and helps him learn about medical stuff all the time when he asks.

Izuku is taken in by tsunade after she finds out about the neglect and beats toshinori and inko.

Izukus quirk allows him to use chakra for medical jutsus and enhancing strength, and he pretty much gets the same powers as tsunade.

Tsunade trains him to fight, and helps him learn how to heal different injuries in the quickest ways, teaching both with and without his quirk, so he can help anyone he can.

He gets the 100 healings while at UA, tsunade teaches him how to activate it, and helps him become a force to be reckoned with.

Tsunade works with recovery girl at UA after izuku joins.

Izuku and tsunade have the same quirk, so she helps him out a lot.

Pic below will be his hero costume

Pic below will be his hero costume

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