Chef Izuku

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Izuku Yagi was a kind boy, after being misdiagnosed everything stayed the same, apart from his "sister" and her friends bullying him. His parents loved him as they knew he didn't care about being a hero anyway, and they supported izuku in anything. They didn't care about if he had a quirk or not.

When his quirk suddenly appeared while his mum was teaching him too cook and he hurt himself, they quickly found out he had a healing quirk, and when they got him checked for a quirk again, it was only izuku and inko going, they found out he had a string healing quirk, so when inko told toshinori, he was happy his son wasn't quirkless and that he would be safe no matter what cause of how strong his healing factor is.

Izuku started learning at a young age to cook, and took a liking to it and decided he wanted to be the best Chef there is, so he practiced and practiced and practiced until he started to get recognised by his parents friends from the cooking industry.

Izuku is recruited to be a chef for the hero's of UA by his uncle Nezu, with izuku being their chef, he made sure they all had a balanced diet, and we're all healthy.

Join izuku on his journey to becoming a hero anyway cause we all know that's how stories end with izuku being a powerful and we'll known hero.

Ship can be with anyone

Quirk: Absolute healing

Izuku has a very powerful healing ability to regenerate from any injury he receives. Think if his healing factor to be as strong as bans, but he isn't immortal and will die of old age, but he will live longer due to the healing ability, with the old age being the only way he can die. Izuku also has a powerful healing ability allowing him to heal others from life threatening injuries. Ranging from lost limbs, to deep stabs, and even if someone had a deep cut on their chest and they were bleeding a lot.

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