plunderer izuku

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Izuku Yagi is a kind boy, he is kind to everyone, he helps anyone he can, and that earned the love if everyone who knew him. That all changed when he was diagnosed quirkless.

For years he is bullied by his so called "friends" and is neglected by his parents and uncles and aunts. One day when he is 10, he is held hostage by AFO, all might and his wife, green tornado are there to "save" them, but are given a choice on live TV, to save either their daughter, who has a strong telekinesis quirk, or to save their quirkless son. This news alone shocked Japan as they didn't know all might had a son, but only a daughter, but what shocked them more was their answer...

They chose izumi over him...

AFO gave izumi back, and when then hero's were about to attack to save izuku, AFO threw izuku in the air, and shot a powerful attack at him, but little did they all know, izukus quirk, Flash baron, which makes him the fastest thing on the planet.

Izuku with his new power dodged the attack, shocking everyone. After realising he has a quirk and a powerful one, the hero's and AFO all tried to get to him, the hero's to save him, and AFO to take his quirk, but izuku quickly fled to not be seen again as some people thought.

After izuku left, AFO revealed the truth of what happened to izuku, with evidence, which damaged all mights and green tornados careers.

Follow izuku as he grows up, and follows a new dream, of becoming and powerful and we'll respected person.

Quirk: flash baron

This quirk makes the user the fastest thing on the planet, easily being able to out speed bullets to the point he can she them "frozen" in air and flick them away, all while it looks like he didn't even move at all.

Ship: can be with anyone

Izuku after leaving and his quirk activating will gain a personality close to Licht Bach's, as well as look like him as well.

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