The cards hero: ace - Adopted

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Adopted by Thomaslopezlll

Izuku Yagi was a kind boy, he is loved by all for his generosity and his caring personality, but when he was misdiagnosed, everything went down hill.

His parents and aunts and uncles, apart from his uncle Nezu and uncle aizawa, neglected him and didn't pay him any mind, meanwhile he was being bullied by his "sister" and "friends".

When izuku discovered his quirk, he started to wear gloves in his hands, which his the tattoo his quirk gave him. The tattoo was a club, heart, diamond, and spade, tattooed in a square onto the back of his hand, which allowed him to summon a card with different abilities based on the playing card suit he summoned.

After finding out his Quirk, he told the fee people he could still trust, and they helped him train his body, in martial arts, as well as his quirk so he could be a hero all while he was being tutored by Nezu.

On the day of the entrance exams, izuku being a recommended student unlike his so called "friends" as theirs was declined and they had to take the normal exam. When the adults of the 3 families arrived to the observation room, they were shocked to see izuku there playing chess with nezu.

Find out what happens next, and see if his family remembers anything about izuku, as well as what they have done to him.

Ship can be with anyone

Quirk: playing cards

Allows izuku to summon any card from any if the suits. Each number in the suits showed how strong the attack would be, the higher, the stronger. The remaining 4 cards all had special abilities based on the suit. Each suit being one of the 4 main elements, the 4 remaining cards were more powerful then the other 9. Like the spades being based around the element water, the King card, allows izuku to create holy water to heal people with.

Izuku will be very strategic, and will be quick in his feet, as well as quick thinking in all sorts of situations.

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