neglected uchiha

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Izuku uchiha (not MHA) is a quiet kid, he like his brother Itachi, overcame the curse of hatred at a young age.

Starts training with Naruto from age of 3, both are neglected by their parents in favour for their siblings, so they train together with scrolls they stole from their parents, and help eachother get strong.

Minato and kushina are alive, and Naruto is the oldest of triplets, but didn't get any if the 9 tails, which lead to his parents and godparents training them so they can control the 9 tails' chakra.

Izuku is youngest of triplets, his parents focus more on his older siblings, since they see more "potential" in them. But Itachi gives izuku scrolls to help him train in the clans taijustsu and kenjutsu, as well as training him to use kunai and shuriken just as well as he can, as well as training him with shadow clones. He also helps izuku in learning ninjustus, genjustsus, and even the little knowledge on fuinjutsu, which Naruto also helps him with.

Izuku is a prodigy like Naruto, both learn very fast, both in knowledge and training wise, where they both learn quick and can use many jutsu by the time they become genin.

When the 9 tails was being sealed, the shinigami decided to allow Naruto and izuku to have as much chakra as a complete 9 tails, Naruto doesn't have any of the 9 tails, which is sealed in his 2 sisters. The shinigami decided this as he knew the 2 of them were destined to save the world.

Jiraiya thought the prophecy was about naruto's siblings, which solidified the fact they train his sister's more.

Izuku will wear what's at the top, but it has the Uchiha crest on it

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