neglected mute - Adopted

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Adopted by @Cassiushayes

Naruto Namikaze Senju Uzumaki is a kind and energetic child, who puts a smile on the villagers face, he loves helping the villagers when he can. (He doesn't have kurama, like any of him, no chakra or his soul, it's split evenly between his sister's)

But at home, Naruto is neglected by his parents, and abused by his sister's. His parents refuse to talk or train him, saying his sister's are more important, while his sister's use him for target practice, and a training dummy for target practice.

When Naruto turned 6, his birthday present from his sister's, was being used as a training dummy for taijustsu, with kunai, where they cut his throat, not deep enough to kill him, but slicing his vocal cords, completely stopping him from being able to speak ever again.

The only person in his family who cares for him, being tsunade his grandmother, saw this, and after his sister's left laughing, she rushed over to heal him.

Minato and kushina came out seeing Naruto crying in tsunades arms, holding his now bandaged neck. Asking what's wrong, tsunade snapped about how they had been treating Naruto, and what his sister's had done to him.

Tsunade then takes Naruto away from the village, training him in how to use different weapons, different taijustsu styles, all to fit the senju styles and Uzumaki styles which she had scrolls for in her clan library from her clan and from her grandmother.

Naruto, being the prodigy he is, and being a senju and Uzumaki, has a strong water affinity and wind. He also learns medical ninjustu as well as fuinjutsu, using the large amount of clones he can make from how much chakra he had naturally. ( Close to the amount Hashirama had)

Shizune also travels with them and helps Naruto train.

Ship can be with anyone.

Goes back for the genin exam

His parents regret what they did, and see how arrogant and how big of a prick their daughters are.

Like Naruto is, he becomes a one man army with how skilled he is.

Tsunade gets him a weapon for passing the genin exam (he was going to pass anyway with his skills and knowledge, he had to study a lot because of shizune) (weapon of the authors choice)

Image at top is how he looks when he becomes genin, but he has bandages around his neck.

He can do jutsu without shouting which is just ridiculous in the anime, like they don't need to shout in their heads or out loud.

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