Chapter 1: The Jeons.

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"Why can't you be more like your brother? All you do is sit in front of your goddamned computer and play those disgusting video games. You're such a disappointment." Jeon Jihee yelled, standing up from her chair, her napkin falling from her lap.

Finding faults with Jeon Jungkook, her younger son, was her favorite thing to do nowadays. No, scratch that, Jungkook had spent his entire life listening to his mother bad-mouth and carp at him. Jeon Jeongguk, Jungkook's older twin brother, on the other hand, was always the family's blue-eyed baby. He did everything his parents wanted him to do, so they celebrated him. He was the soon-to-be CEO of Jeon Revella, the Jeon family's fashion brand. Taking after his father, of course.

Jungkook was the rebel. He went against everything his "perfect" family wanted to present to the world. He was a rising-to-fame gaming YouTuber, going by the pseudonym Seagull, he had thousands of fans who were really impressed with his work and wanted him to continue making his 15-minute gaming videos since he seemed like he was really passionate.

"Mother, please..." Jeongguk pleaded, wanting to just eat his evening meal and be done with this whole monthly family dinner ordeal without his parents targeting his brother for once.

"No, Gguk, it's fine. She can bitch about me all she wants." Jungkook dropped his fork and spoke, smirking slightly since he had broken an important rule in the house. No cursing.

"Jungkook, watch your mouth." Jeon Jihoon said, glaring at his son.

"I'll do whatever I please, thank you." The younger fired back, throwing his napkin on the table. "Can I just leave, Gguk?" Jungkook felt how the migraine he was having, was about to split his skull in two.

"Let's just calm down and finish dinner." Jeongguk tried to reason with them before things escalated and his father would intervene, once again.

Jungkook sat back down with a sigh. He looked around the dining room, how everything was in pristine condition. It was almost too good to be true, but we all know that a book cannot be judged by its cover. From the high chandelier that was harbored above their heads with its hundred of diamonds shining in the sunlight, to the long table made to accommodate them. His twin brother Jeongguk, his eight year old sister Jiyeon, his mother and the head of the family, the patriarch, Jeon Jihoon.

The room was spotless, filled with expensive art décor. China vases, divine white walls and a beautiful blue false ceiling and numerous staff to serve them as if they were some sort of royalty. But as any pristine place, the cleanliness only hid more dirt. Behind their polite smiles and high end clothes, wretched things were hidden in the corner, waiting to come out to light, secrets to be spilled.

Jeongguk stiffened. Their parents highly disregarded his twin brother just because he wasn't working in a higher position. As if that ever mattered. He was happy his brother got to do what he loved, more so when that thing made his brother independent. Jungkook had purchased a two bedroom apartment without their help, never asked for money, or food, or anything that would allow him to live better. Their parents didn't care about it. They just wanted him to work in their company. They didn't settle for Jeongguk working as a CEO, they wanted to control Jungkook too.

"When is the new investors meeting?" Jeongguk wanted to divert the attention from his brother. Talking about work always did the trick.

Jungkook was tensed and Jeongguk couldn't blame him. Their parents had a way of making him feel worthless, while Jeongguk was treated as a prince. Placed on a golden pedestal, while his twin brother was thrown away at the family's bottomless pit without remorse. Cast away like some leech.

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