Chapter 34: Yoongi

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Yoongi was panicked. Jin's text saying that his boss hadn't eaten anything and he was sick, only sent him in a frenzy. Armed with a bag full of goodies and medicines, he marched to the CEO's office. It was easy for him to do so, since Jeongguk gave him the entry card and alerted his employees that his babysitter should be permitted entrance at any given time.

Yoongi stood in front of the glass door, his heart beating fast in his chest. He was contemplating whether to go inside, or leave the food somewhere close. He looked for Jin around, but he didn't see the assistant. As a matter of fact, he didn't see anyone on that floor and he couldn't be that heartless to go back home with the food he spent so much time cooking. So, the babysitter took a deep breath and with shaky hands he twisted the doorknob.

He slightly pushed his head through the barely opened door and frowned seeing his boss on the couch, with his eyes closed and head resting on the backrest of the couch. It was then when he decided to screw it and finally gathered some courage to enter the office. He gently put the bags on the glass table and sat next to the CEO. He should say something, but he was too scared, at the same time, he was highly worried. The CEO looked tired.

"Jeongguk hyung?" He finally whispered. Jeongguk scrunched his nose cutely, but didn't open his eyes.

Yoongi shook his head, a small smile spread on his features. He didn't like the frown on his hyung face. He scooped closer to his boss and with his thumb, he caressed the crevices on his hyung's forehead. The CEO seemed to relax under his warm touch. Yoongi couldn't stop admiring his boss. His cute little button like nose, his rosy inviting lips, his closed bambi eyes that seemed to have an entire galaxy shine within when they were open. His eyes trailed down his crossed arms, the dress shirt hugging those arms muscles to perfection, at the same time drawing attention to them.

Then his thick tights that Yoongi could salivate just by looking at them. He could still feel the ghost of Jungkook's lips on him. How he filled him up so perfectly. His warms arms around his tiny body. All throughout his staying, Yoongi had observed his boss. Someone of his posture would always complain of something, but not Jeongguk.

The CEO liked everything he did and even complimented on his food. Jeongguk was indeed a special person. He was sweet, attentive, never complaining, though Yoongi didn't give him reasons to do so, either. They coexisted in a perfect harmony. The babysitter couldn't stop thinking of how perfect his boss was. Everyone would want someone like him, to either be their boss or their boyfriend. But the one who gets him would be the luckiest person in the world.

He blinked a couple of times to stop his tears from falling off. Yoongi would do anything to be loved by someone like him, specifically his hot CEO. Unconsciously, his hands brushing the CEO's hair. Jeongguk opened his eyes and stared at the beauty next to him. Yoongi was in deep thoughts, if he would have realized where his hand was, he would have probably jumped from the couch right to the first floor.

Jeongguk wanted nothing more than purr at the light touch. He felt so much more relaxed as the babysitter's fingers was playing through his hair. Such a simple act, yet the CEO's heart was bursting with pride and love. Oh, how much he wished Yoongi would just give into his feelings. He wished he could kiss the younger whenever he felt like it. To hold him in his arms and whisper comforting words. To shout to the entire world to hear, he had found his fated.

"Like what you see?" Jeongguk finally broke the silence.

Yoongi pushed himself away from his boss. "I'm sorry." He got to his feet. "Jin hyung said you were sick and didn't eat, I brought you some medicines and something to eat. It's not much though, just some dishes to make you feel better. On the other hand, I think it would be better if you would order something. I'm not sure if it's right for you to eat my food. I don't want you to get sicker, the again, if you haven't eaten..."

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