Chapter 9: Taehyung.

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Taehyung was pissed. No, scratch that, he was fuming. Seagull sent him a two minutes video, mocking him for the way he played his games. That wasn't something he would just disregard as if nothing happened. Taehyung took offense in the boy's words, sluggish as they were. It was more than obvious that the raven hair male was severely intoxicated, yet, Taehyung didn't really care. Every action had a consequence, in Tae's mind. Now that consequences of that two minutes video, will be dire. Taehyung wasn't known for his forgiving personality. Even a small thing could trigger him. And now, he was out for blood.

"Hello my Valerians. I must confess I'm really disappointed. I mean, I had a high opinion on Seagull, but now... Smh. It's sad to think someone his age has a drug problem. Imagine how his fans feel, knowing that their money goes on something so despicable. Not only that, but there are people who, allegedly, had confirmed that they paid Seagull to spend their nights together, yet I'm the bad guy. And he has the audacity to point his fingers at me, telling me I'm useless? Seriously? How is that fair? I'm sorry for the rant my sweet Valerians, but I had to get it our my chest. Thank you."

Taehyung finished his Instagram rant and closed his laptop. A sick smirk spread on his face. "Let's see how you get out of this." He whispered in the empty room.

Jimin woke up with a smile on his face, thinking it was going to be a beautiful day. Two days had passed since the eventful night at the club. He still had a few purple spots here and there, but nothing major that couldn't be covered. He was about to take a shower when his phone chimed. It was his Instagram notification, announcing him that Taehyung had posted something. The smile he had on his face faded upon reading the post.

Taehyung had done it again. One must say that his best friend was kind, polite and well mannered, that was in fact his online persona. Reality however, that was a different story. In real life, Taehyung was arrogant, rude and downright cruel when he wanted to be. Jimin knew exactly what, and who was hiding behind the blindly boxy smile, behind those deep brown eyes. The only person Taehyung actually treated with respect was his roommate. It wasn't the first time when Taehyung was picking a fight with someone online. Jimin shook his head and stormed out of his room, slamming the door behind him.

"Why are you picking a fight this time?" He crossed his arms on his chest and stared at his friend.

Taehyung raised his hands up in defeat. "This time is actually his fault."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "We talked about this Tae. You exaggerate everything. You can't deal with someone that has a different opinion that yours."

Taehyung slammed his hand on the table and jumped on his feet. "I'm not gonna sit around when he is the one mocking me."

"Show me." Jimin demanded. "I'll be the judge of it." Taehyung scoffed but did as his friend said. Jimin took the laptop and played the video. He still couldn't understand why Taehyung acted as if he was stabbed to death. "All I see is a drunk, hot, but drunk guy who said a few stupid things. It's not even worth thinking about it."

"He mocked me." Taehyung yelled.

"Firstly, stop yelling you dipshit." Jimin smacked the back of his head. "Secondly, you always exaggerate. You know your fans will target him now, and it's not ok Tae. We talked so many times about it. Why can't you understand that what you're doing is not ok?"

"Than he shouldn't have picked a fight with me in the first place."

"He didn't. He sent you the video privately, not plastered all over social media."

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