Chapter 42: Namjin.

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"That little shit." Jin cursed as he slammed the phone next to him.

He had just finished reading Jungkook's text and he was angry. Hoseok's lack of communication was a tremendous problem. He was a great guy per general, an amazing employee, but whenever he was going through something, he would just loose himself in booze. Jin shook his head and sighed. Hopefully, this time it was something he could fix.

"What's wrong, love?" Namjoon asked.

They were currently at Namjoon's place, in his home cinema room watching a movie. Jin contemplated whether to tell him or not. It wasn't Namjoon's business, but he proved to be a great listener, maybe he can provide some advice, as Jin wanted nothing more than visit Hoseok and shook him good.

"My friend, Hoseok, is going through something and nobody knows what. Jungkook, my boss's twin, can't figure it out either."

"Hoseok?" Namjoon narrowed his eyes. "That name seems familiar."

"Jung Hoseok, it's the full name. He has a booth in your club. At least that's what he told me a few months ago." Jin explained.

"Wait." Namjoon got up to his feet. "Is Jimin, Hoseok's boyfriend?"

"Yes." Jin scratched the back of his head. "Kookie thinks they had an argument or something. It sounded serious."

"We need to go." Namjoon paused the movie. "I need to check up on Jimin."

"Babe, it's late. I'm sure he's sleeping by now."

"I don't care. I need to see if he's alright." Namjoon explained as he checked the time. It was 11 pm. Not that late. He just wanted to make sure sweet Jiminie is alright. He knew he shouldn't have believed Hoseok.

Jin rolled his eyes. "Fine. Let's go."

The couple jumped in the car. Namjoon was clutching the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles turned white. All sorts of scenarios played in his mind, and he couldn't accept either of them. He couldn't comprehend how, why someone would hurt Jiminie.

"Ok. You got to tell me what's going on and why you're freaking out. Do you have feelings for this Jimin?"

Namjoon shook his head and sighed. "No. I've met Jimin a year ago. I was at the bar counter, making sure things ran smoothly." Relieving that night, was making his heart ache. That night was the reason why the club security was increased and drug controls were taken even more seriously. "Jimin was there too, with some guy. That guy took advantage of Jimin's lack of attention and spiked his drink. My bartender called the police, while Jackson and I, took care of Jimin in our office. Ever since, we kept an eye on him. He became our regular and our friend. He's a sweet, kind kid."

"You did the right thing, Joon. Men can have their drinks spiked too." Jin beamed. "You are patient, kind, sweet. I like it. You are a giant teddy bear."

"Your giant teddy bear." Namjoon winked.

"That you are." Jin said proudly as he crossed his hands on his chest.

"Come on Jimin. Get out and eat something." Taehyung begged. He was afraid his best friend was going to fall back in his old days. "You haven't eaten in two days."

"Leave me." Jimin whispered yelled.

He didn't want to see anyone, he didn't want to speak to anyone. He wanted to be alone. He was curled into a ball, underneath the blanket, staring at nothing. He tried to replay in his mind everything that happened between him and Hoseok. It went great. Jimin felt such an intense pleasure, he could barely hold his sanity. Yes, his boyfriend did went a little overboard with the knife, he could still feel the sting of his wounds on his thigh. Other than that, it was magical. He couldn't understand why he was pushed aside like he didn't matter. Then it dawned on him.

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