Chapter 53: Namjin.

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In all relationships will come a time for compromises. What you compromise on, it will make all the difference. You don't have to change yourself to fit into a certain pattern, or give up things that makes you happy. Both partners have the same position in a relationship: give and take. Don't take more than you can give, and don't give more than you can take. Be balanced. Be equals. Communication is often the key to a successful relationship. 


Jin was in the kitchen watching his boyfriend work. He was still amazed of how smart Namjoon really was, not only that, but the way he was treated, made Jin's heart all warm and fuzzy. Namjoon treated him with respect and care. He treated him like he was the most expensive work of art. The assistant sometimes wondered if he deserved someone like that. He wasn't the most interesting man, or the smartest, yet somehow, Namjoon chose him. He couldn't be happier.

"Found it." Namjoon shrieked. He jumped up and threw his hand up, air fisting.

Jin chuckled. His boyfriend sometimes acted like a kid. An adorable, dimpled kid. "What did you find?"

"The mistake." Namjoon grinned. "On this invoice..." He pointed his finger on the said piece of paper. "This account isn't that same as the many others. And by the look of it, this is an offshore account."

"How do you know?" Jin asked as he sat next to his boyfriend, scanning the invoice too.

Namjoon pulled out another invoice. "This is an onshore account. Which means, it's in this country. Look at the numbers."

"Does this mean that whoever is doing this, has access to payments and the bank accounts." Jin sighed. "We need to find out who is behind all of this."

"We need a hacker." Namjoon leaned back on his seat.

"Ummm..." Jin avoided his eyes.

Namjoon raised his eyebrow. "Do you know someone?"

"I... Yeah."

"Come on. Spill the beans."

"Well, he's a former date guy? Can I name it that?"

Namjoon burst out laughing at the innocence Jin was showing in that moment. "This gotta be good. What did you do?"

Jin glared at him cutely, his eyes squinted together. "I didn't do anything." He crossed his arms on his chest and pouted. "I may or may not have pushed his head in a cake by mistake?"

"How the hell do you do that by mistake?" Namjoon was full blown laughing.

"I was bored, I got up to go to the bathroom to leave, then I remembered I had my phone on the table. I turned around and hit his head with my elbow."

"Why was there cake?"

Jin shrugged. "It was his cat's birthday and he wanted to celebrate it. Without the cat."

"This is gold." Namjoon took deep breaths to calm his laughter. "Oh man."

Jin rolled his eyes and smacked his head. "Stop laughing, you dimpled child."

Namjoon took a deep breath to calm his laughter, and dragged his boyfriend into a hug. "We need someone we can trust. This issue is too serious to be in the hands of someone unknown."

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