Chapter 23: Namjin.

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"So how is boss treating you?" Jin asked as he took a sip of coffee.

He popped out unannounced at Jeongguk's house, just so he can check on the younger. Jin had to admit to himself that he liked the babysitter. Not just because he stand his ground against Mrs. Jeon, but also because his boss would often smile out of the blue. It didn't take a genius to understand that the green haired male was the one who made such a performance. Jin had prayed, and prayed that the CEO one day to find his own happiness.

Yoongi smiled. "He treats me very well. I honestly can't complain. I just want the little sunflower to come soon. It gets boring here all alone." He cutely pouted.

Jin ruffled his hair. "Why don't you ask Gguk to take you out for dinner?"

"Oh no." Yoongi was mortified. How could he ask his boss, the one who pays him to take him out on a date? He almost face palmed himself at the word 'date'. "I couldn't never do that."

"Why not?" Jin raised his eyebrow, amused by the younger's reaction.

Yooongi's face became red as a tomato, including the tip of his ears. "Hyung..." He covered his face with his hand. "It's inappropriate."

Jin shrugged. "Oh come on. He's just a man. Don't think to much."

"Hyuuung..." The younger whined. "Stop." He didn't want to admit his feelings for his boss. He was just a babysitter, nothing more. The CEO deserved someone from his social circle. He couldn't say that it didn't hurt him, because it did. Imagining the CEO with someone else, stung his heart.

Jin finished his coffee, and the men talked more about Yoongi's adjustment to the new life, stories about Jin's work. There was a beginning of a beautiful friendship between the two males, both enjoying each other's company.

Suddenly, Yoongi's phone light up. "My best friend is coming to pick me up. Do you want to join us?"

"Ummm..." Jin looked at his hands. "I don't know. I don't want to intrude."

Yoongi smiled and patted his hand. "You would never." He got up and took his jacket. "Let's go."

Jin opened the door and froze. Namjoon was getting out of the car, the waft of a breeze touched his hair, ruffling it in the process. He smiled widely, casting his dimples on full display. Jin was mesmerized, also apprehensive. The man looked familiar.

Namjoon stopped in his track, his eyes landed on the version of a perfect human being. Chiseled jaw, the oval almond shape of his eyes, the perfect smooth skin, and his plum lips. Namjoon's heart started beating fast in his chest, as he placed his hands on top to stop it from breaking free.

"It's you." Namjoon said. His lips parted, his eyes wide. Realization downed on him.

"You." Jin whispered back.

Yoongi looked at the two make, who's eyes were staring at one another, as if nothing existed in the world, except them. He had never seen Namjoon so engrossed in someone, passion oozing out of his pores. He cleared his throat, he didn't want to break their spell, but he wasn't going to be a third wheel.

"Do you guys know each other?" He asked shyly.

"I would love to." Namjoon replied with a smile, his eyes still staring at Jin.

"Yeah..." Jin whispered back. His face a deep shade of red. He raised his hands to his face, tapping his cold fingers against his burning skin, trying to alleviate some of the warmth he was enveloped in.

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