Chapter 71: Jihope. (Oops.)

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They finally managed to get to the hotel they booked. The W Hotel in Barcelona was recommended by Taehyung. But they were too tired, hungry and moody to be able to enjoy their ride from the airport, or check the hotel properly. All they wanted was to get checked in, take a quick shower, eat and sleep. Which they did.

Jimin was sleeping soundly on the queen size bed, slightly snoring. Hoseok smiled as he tucked his husband's hair behind his ear. He couldn't believe they were finally married and on their honeymoon. Even though he too was tired, traveling all night and switching planes was exhausting, the need to see his son was bigger.

He took his phone out and called his mother in law. "Hello mom." Hoseok greeted her.

"My babies." Mrs. Park said with a grin on her face. "How was the trip? How is Jimin? Did you eat?" She bombarded him with questions.

Hoseok was grateful. His in-laws accepted him in their family and treated him like their son. He was loved. "The trip here was uneventful, but exhausting. We managed to take a shower and eat. Chim is currently sleeping. He was too tired. How is Haneul?"

Mrs. Park nodded. "Hannie is still sleeping." Currently, in Korea was 6 am, while in Spain was 1 pm. There was seven hours difference.

"Did he make a fuss last night?" At first, they opposed to leaving Haneul with Jimin's parents, not because they did trust them, it was mostly due to them missing their son. They haven't spent time apart, and it was difficult for everyone. However, the Parks assured the newlyweds that the baby will be perfectly fine in their care, and they should enjoy their time alone.

Mrs. Park sighed. "He cried for a bit, I'm not going to lie, but we promised you were going to bring him lots and lots of toys."

"Mooom..." Hoseok chuckled. "You're spoiling him."

"So?" She playfully raised her eyebrow. "Wait until he gets older and I'll teach him how to ask for a sibling."

"Oh no." Hoseok gasped. "Jimin would kill me." His balls shriveled back when he remembered when Jimin gave birth. 'I'll cut your dick off if you make me pregnant again.' His exact words.

Mrs. Park burst out laughing. "Jimin would eventually agree. Give it time. I want lots of grand-kids."

"Mom..." Hoseok glared at her.

"Fine. I won't torture you for now. Get some rest, then have fun. Don't forget to send pictures. I already miss you a lot."

"Okay mom. Take care, and give Hannie a kiss from us."

"Will do." Mrs. Park promised. Hoseok wouldn't mind having another child. More so, when his baby was as stubborn as his appa. He too needed someone in his corner. He laid in bed beside his husband, pulled him into his arms and fell asleep soon as his head hit the pillow.

Jimin was the first one to wake up. As usual, their bodies were all tangled up. He snuggled closer to his beloved husband and breathed in his scent. He could never believe that love could be so beautiful. Ever since he was young, he wanted what his parents had. That kind of love that lasts forever. Trust, support, sharing both the good and the bad. Waking up in the morning in the arms of the one you love, knowing that his feelings were returned in full, was simply amazing.

There were a lot of things they had to learn about one another, adjusting to having a baby and married live, but they came a long way. He could remember the days when the baby was born, they made a lot of mistakes, sleepless nights, taking turn who will watch the baby. They made it through. Hoseok stayed up late at night to take care of the baby, just so Jimin could get some sleep, regardless how early he had to get up in the morning. It wasn't easy, especially since everyone dotted over Jimin.

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