Chapter 50: Taekook.

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********* Author's Note*********

Hmmm... I've been debating for weeks, whether I should publish this chapter or not. You'll see why. What Taehyung's character does, I wouldn't wish it to my worst enemy. I do NOT condone his actions, but I do want to prove a point. If you ever find yourself in the hands of someone who doesn't respect you, that tries to control you, that doesn't make you feel safe, instead they make you feel weak, worthless and makes you soul numb, leave. Leave while you can.

It's not an easy thing to do, I agree, but it's something you have to do. Because god dammit, you deserve to feel loved and precious. You deserve to have your feelings validated. You deserve to feel safe and protected, and above all, you deserve to feel loved.

Me, for example, I've jumped from toxic relationship to another toxic relationship, I actually thought I deserved it. Until I met some precious people who thought me BY example what a healthy, loving relationship really looks like.

(Let's call them J and C, together with their respective partners). They thought me that real love is hand written notes and forehead kisses. That love is patient and kind, love is caring, love is feeling safe and protected. That you can still have a life outside your relationship, meet with friends without your partner being jealous and controlling, as long as they know you are safe.

That you can hide in their arms and they will fight tooth and nail for you. However, at the same time as receiving, you have to give out the same things back. Love goes both ways. If they are worthy of being your partner, make sure you also validate their feelings, by making yourself worthy of their love.

They thought me that you don't do half measured relationship, you go all in. That you love, not just with your heart, but also with your soul. That your partner should treat you with care, respect, validate your feelings, because it matters to them. That your voice matters. That you matter.

I don't know what will happen in a year or two, but I do know that their "teachings" will stay with me forever. I learned how I want my relationship to be. How my partner should treat me.

Because we all deserve to be loved, respected, happy and above all, we all should feel like we matter. Live. Laugh. Love. The 3 rules of life. I hope you too can learn something from this story. That you can take the good parts of it and apply it to your life.


Jungkook was slightly getting better. Ready to accept that maybe Taehyung wasn't like his ex. That he was there to stay by his side. That nothing will break them apart as long as they fought together for their future.

He was in the public area, watching his boyfriend as he won the game competition they were at. He should have been competing too, but he turn down the offer. If he would have been there on the stage, next to his boyfriend, Taehyung would have lost the game. And that wasn't something Jungkook wanted. If he did that, he would have felt as if he was undermining Tae's accomplishments and it would have made the latter feel like a looser. So, he did what he considered it was best for their relationship, he stepped aside. He could take the loss of not competing, he could have also made himself loose the game on purpose, but he wouldn't have done it. It wasn't him. The option he chose was a much better one.

"What do you think about my game?" Taehyung asked, with a huge boxy smile on his face.

"You did very well, baby. Congratulations on your winning." Jungkook pecked the tip of his nose.

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