Chapter 19: Yoongguk.

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To say Jeongguk was angry, was an understatement. Jeongguk was livid. The last thing he expected when he woke up, was his friend telling him that his mother is in his office filing for a trial against Jungkook for kidnapping.

Jeongguk was so livid, he didn't care anymore who stood up to him. He was Jeon Jeongguk, the mighty CEO. He didn't took over the family business so they can stamp all over him. His hold on his briefcase tightened as he walked through the office until he found the one he was looking for.

A big glass door, Daniel Kang District Attorney, was written on a golden plate with bold letters. He pushed the door open, ignoring the please of what he assumed were coming from Kang's secretary. He roughly placed his briefcase on the desk and glared at his mother. Jihee, was sitting on a couch, her legs crossed and her eyes cold.

"Seriously?" Jeongguk said in a raised tone, his hands formed into fists. His entire body was shaking with anger. "A bench trial? What? Are you afraid that if you have a jury trial they'll find Jungkook innocent?"

"He took my daughter. He had no right to even step a foot close to her." Jihee snapped back in the same raised tone.

"She's our little sister. He has the same right as I have." He took a menacing step towards her. He couldn't even think straight. It was quite alarming to see him that way, especially since he wasn't one to lose his mind like that.

"Ok." Daniel raised his voice, but remained calm. "Jeongguk, I called you here so you can shed some light in this case. Kidnapping allegations are a serious matter."

"Fine." Jeongguk opened his briefcase and pushed some pictures and a dvd towards the attorney. "Her complaint is baseless, and there is no evidence to support her claims. On those pictures, it's me walking away from their house with my little sister, and if that's not enough, I also gave you the CCTV recordings. It has everything, from dates to hours."

"Oh shut up." Jihee rolled her eyes. "For fuck sake's, you two are twins, you can always pose as one another."

"She's right, you know." Daniel nodded.

"There's also the CCTV footage from Jungkook's apartment that shows he never stepped outside his apartment."

"This changes everything." Daniel looked at the pictures, then at Mrs. Jeon. "We will take the evidence into consideration and do an investigation to make sure."

"No." Jihee jumped up to her feet. "You need to lock him up."

"Not this time." Jeongguk growled. "Mom, if you dare to go ahead with this stupid plan of yours, not only I'll resign from the CEO position, but I will file a dismissal with prejudice. You know what that means?"

"I could never file an identical lawsuit again." She breathed out.

"Perfect." He turned his attention to Daniel. "You have exculpatory evidence, which basically means there is enough evidence that shows my brother didn't do anything. Now, feel free to dismiss the case. And as for you..." He turned his attention back to his mother. "I get that you hate Jungkook, but for the love of God just stop with all this nonsense." Jihee huffed as she took her purse and left without even glancing back, pissed that her plan failed, once again.

"She's intense." Daniel chuckled after a few moments of silence.

Jeongguk ran his hand through his hair and took the liberty to pour himself a glass of Bourbon. He drank it in one go. "I can't believe she stoop so low to accuse her own son of kidnapping."

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