Chapter 27: Jihope.

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All the ride to meet Hoseok, Jimin kept thinking about what Taehyung said. It was true in a way. All they did ever since they became a couple, was simply fucking, as wonderful as it may sound, it was not enough. A relationship is not all about fucking and sucking. It was about having a conversation, about being comfortable around one another. Sharing the most beautiful moments of their lives as well as their worst. It was having an unbreakable bond. No secrets, no lies. He was surprised that Hoseok lived in a modest building, considering how rich he looked. Although, there was nothing about Hoseok that made him behave like he had more than others. He was down to earth, mature, and quite blunt when it was needed.

He pressed the intercom, and when Hoseok opened the door, he walked inside. He took the elevator up to the third floor, and walked towards his apartment. It was the first time Jimin came to his apartment. Usually, they would either do it in his office, his car or Jimin's dance studio. He too, was craving that connection. He wanted to come clean to Jimin, regarding his past. He couldn't have a relationship based on a lie, or half truths. This would be the ultimate test for their relationship. If Jimin would accept him, he would be the happiest person in the world. If not, Hoseok had no option than let go of the boy he came to love.

He cleaned the apartment spotless, it wasn't much to begin with. Just one bedroom, a living room connected to the kitchen and a bathroom. At first, he wanted to take his boyfriend at a fancy restaurant, but that wasn't him, nor he could afford it, since he had to send money to his parents which demanded more and more each week. He liked simple stuff, except a few indulgences in certain places. Since Jimin became his boyfriend, he hadn't been to either of them. He didn't want to cheat on Jimin, he didn't feel the need to do it. Jimin was everything he wanted. The moon to his sun. He opened the door and gasped.

Jimin was dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a baby blue sweater, while Hobi was dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Hoseok beamed at the innocence and beauty of his beloved. His heart shrink when he thought it will all end.

"Come in." Hoseok stepped aside to allow his boyfriend to enter his humble abode.

Jimin smiled and pecked Hoseok's lips. "This is beautiful." He said as he looked around. The whole place screamed Hoseok. He took a deep breath, his boyfriend's smell filling his nostrils. He loved it, but at the same time, he was anxious.

"Can I get you anything? Water, wine, soda?" Hoseok asked as he looked down at his feet. Jimin was taken aback. Hoseok was never shy with him. He was always in control of his emotions. Then again, home was the place one felt safer.

"I wouldn't say no to a glass of wine." He smiled fondly. "May I?" He pointed towards the couch.

"Of course. Please, make yourself comfortable. I'll bring the wine." With shaky legs, Hoseok went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine. This was it. The moment of truth. And he could only hope it will be a good outcome. He placed the glasses on the wooden coffee table in front of the couch and sat next to his boyfriend. "Jimin, I think we need to talk." Hoseok looked down at his fingers. He was scared. He was scared of telling his boyfriend the truth about his past. He was scared of ending up all alone.

"Ok." Jimin said as he took a big gulp of wine. He was nervous, maybe more that Hoseok was. "What is it?"

"I thought a lot about this, and if it is for us to continue our relationship, I think you need to know the truth about me. What I did."

Jimin took a deep breath. He could see the tortured expression on the other's face. He could only pray that it wouldn't be the end of them. "I'm listening." He smiled and patted his boyfriend's hand. "You can tell me anything."

"I was 7 years old when I killed my sibling." Hoseok said everything under one breath. That was the hardest sentence he could have possibly said in his life.

"What?" Jimin stared at his boyfriend as if he had grew a new head. He tried to stay calm, let the male explain.

"When my mom was pregnant, we had an argument. I don't remember what I said, or what I did. I only know that she launched herself at me to hit me, but I think something happened, she might have slipped or something, the next thing I remember was the hospital. My parents were told she had a miscarriage. She lost the baby." Hoseok explained. He covered his face with his hands and he took deep breaths. His body was involuntarily shaking. Just talking about that awful day was making him sick to his stomach. It was the first time he was hit. He could still feel the belt hitting his legs, stomach and back. "I killed my sibling." He cried out.

Jimin was stunned for a moment. That was not what he expected. He was glad that Hoseok trusted him enough to tell him his story. He shook his head and wrapped his hands around Hoseok's waist. "You're not a murderer. You were a kid Hobi. Kids say and do stupid things. It wasn't your fault." He whispered as he kissed the top of his head.

"They hate me. They threw me out at 16. They only talk to me when they need money." Hoseok was full on sobbing, all the pain he ignored and pushed back, came back and hit him like a truck.

"Let it all out." Jimin caressed his boyfriend's hair.

He had a feeling he kept everything bottled up, and now it was the perfect moment to let everything go. Did Jimin think it was Hoseok's fault? Of course not. He was a kid, but he did blame his parents. They were the adults. They should have handled the matter way better than they did. They shouldn't have put that much pressure on a 7 year old. Seriously, what do 7 years old know about life?

"I'm a murderer. I have blood on my hands." Hoseok sobbed in Jimin's shoulder, his hands wrapped around his lover's tiny body. The warmth of the hug, was making him feel better, but not assured. "I wouldn't blame you if you leave me. I don't deserve you."

"Oh baby." Jimin moved a little, he cupped Hoseok's face and kissed the top of his nose. "Don't talk that way about yourself. Hoseok, you did nothing wrong. You were a kid. Don't blame yourself for something that was out of your control."

"You're not leaving me?" Hoseok asked, hope shining in his eyes.

"Never. But I do have a confession to make too." Jimin lowered his eyes. "I had an eating disorder. I'm fine now. Taehyung takes good care of me, but sometimes, I just forget to eat."

"I hate Taehyung, but I'm happy you had him to take care of you. You're special angel. I don't even want to think about what could have happen to you." Hoseok knelt in front of him and hugged his legs. "I swear I will never hurt you. I will cherish you as long as you'll want me. I'll always be there for you."

"I know, baby." Jimin bent down and kissed the top of his head. "I won't leave you either. I promise."

"Can you forgive me?" Hoseok raised his head to meet Jimin's eyes.

"Forgive you for what?"

"For..." He gulped. "For liking a murderer like me."

Jimin closed his eyes. "Baby, we already talked about this. It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong. I promise you." He couldn't stand to see his boyfriend so broken, he made a mental note to take Hoseok and visit his parents. Jimin's mother will make him feel better.

"Thank you, angel." Hoseok wiped his tears. "I promise I will take care of you. You're my angel. I don't want to live without you."

Jimin smiled lovingly at his boyfriend. Even crying he looked cute, and didn't falter in saying sweet words to him. Jimin knew that eventually, he will fall madly in love with Hoseok, if he wasn't already.

Hoseok was happy. His soul finally felt a little bit lighter. He had told someone his biggest secret, and he was still accepted. Maybe there was some hope for him after all. Maybe the providence forgave him and sent him Jimin. His sweet angel Jimin. Jimin, who made his heart beat in his chest. Jimin, who made him feel like he belonged somewhere. He had found his home.

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