Chapter 73: Taekook.

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Being with Jungkook in Spain, was a reminder of the beautiful time they spent in Italy, both a blessing and a curse. A different time when Taehyung could have handled things better, be better.

During their travel, Taehyung tried his best to make sure that his Kookie was well taken care of. He had witnessed something that made him smile and break his heart at the same time. The way Jungkook handled Hannie, was just like a real parent, something he didn't know if he will be able to live to see. He closed his eyes and looked at through window. He was in his own hotel room. Too tired to sleep, he sat next to window and looked at the sea. If he wouldn't have fucked up so bad, their baby would have been there with them. Their precious gem that left the world way too soon, only because he was too much of a monster.

Jimin had told him about their experience in the cathedral and he also wanted to go there, in hopes that his heart will loose some of its heaviness. He thought long and hard, even if Jungkook would forgive him, he will not forgive himself. The will remember it for the rest of his life, a reminder of what he could loose if he would continue down that path. He had to be better if he wants Jungkook to come back to him. But that's the thing; he craved his forgiveness, at the same time, he didn't want it. He wanted to feel this pain in his heart for as long as he possibly could. He deserved that pain. Even so, he would try his best, because Jungkook deserved the best.

Jungkook woke up later than anticipated. The whole traveling really took a toll on him this time. He took a quick shower, dressed himself in an oversize white dress shirt and a pair of brown shorts. He wanted to order something to eat. He looked at the door, a sad expression on his face. He wondered if Taehyung had already eaten. He couldn't not worry about him, not after he took care of him. Jungkook took a deep breath and turned the doorknob, but stopped in front of Taehyung's room. Their rooms were facing one another.

He was prepared for everything, except seeing Taehyung with his hair disheveled, dark bang under his eyes, dressed in a pair of black shorts and bare chest. Jungkook lowered his eyes and involuntarily licked his lips. Taehyung saw the lustful look in Jungkook's eyes, but didn't want to say anything that would make the other embarrassed.

"Hi." He said softly.

Jungkook was playing with his own fingers, a deep shade of red painted his cheeks. "Hi." He tried avoiding looking at his ex. Or current boyfriend. He did agree to give Taehyung a second chance.

Taehyung raised his chin with his thumb and smiled. "What is it, baby?"

Jungkook looked back at him, eyes sparkling. "Umm... I was thinking if you would like to eat together?" He bounced from one leg to another, while hiding his hands in his pockets. He was becoming more and more shy.

"I would love too." Taehyung took a step back and pushed the door open. "Come in. I'll put a shirt on me."

Jungkook nodded as he entered the room. Their room were very similar. A large king size bed, a view to die for, a balcony, large windows and many more. He took a seat on the chair next to the table, his hands laying on his lap as he stared at his fingers, not knowing what to do with himself.

Taehyung came back and this time he had a black t-shirt on him. He sat opposite of Jungkook. "What would you like to eat?"

"I haven't thought about that." Jungkook said sheepishly. That was one thing he didn't think about.

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