Chapter 65: Taekook.

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It was winter. A day one was supposed to be happy, a season of rebirth and new beginnings. A day to be surrounded with the people you love. But how could Jungkook enjoy it, when his heart was broken and his soul was numb? He had lost everything. There was nothing else he could cling onto. The love of his life caused him so much pain that it killed their baby. A tear rolled down his cheek as he wrapped his hands on his flat stomach.

The emptiness was killing him slowly. He had promised Yoongi he wouldn't do anything stupid. How much heartbreak can one take before crumbling on the floor in small little shards of glass? As time passes, would he be able to glue those pieces together? He doubted that. He tried and he failed. Even if by some miracle he would be able to stitch himself together, he will always see the cracks, so what was the point anyway? So he decided to break his promise. He couldn't live like that anymore. He couldn't find it in himself to move forward. It had to stop. He got up slowly and walked to the bathroom. He took a shower and dressed in one of his brother's expensive suits. Jeongguk will eventually forgive him from stealing his clothes.

Without making a noise, he walked up to the stairs, hidden in the shadows as he took in the sight in front of him. Moans and whispers of love could be heard from the couple's room. Jungkook felt as if he intruded in their world. He was an outsider. The broken boy, the forgotten. Slowly and quietly, he got out of the apartment, he could have called a taxi, but he decided to walk straight to Taehyung's place.

The snow was still falling, casting a glowing hue of white over the ground. By the time he arrived at his ex boyfriend's place, Jungkook was wet, cold and his body was trembling. Still, the cold didn't bother him. The pain he was feeling was stronger than the weather could ever be.

Taehyung was shocked when he opened the door to see Jungkook sitting in front of him, water dripping from his hair and suit. He grabbed his arm and brought him inside his home.

"Wait. Let me bring you a towel and some clothes." Taehyung looked around frantically. He quickly got everything he needed and handed them to Jungkook. Jungkook didn't even react. He looked at the items in his hands with a blank expression on his face. "You need to change, or you'll get sick."

Jungkook raised his head and stared at Taehyung with dead eyes. He could see Taehyung's mouth moving, yet his ears hadn't registered a word.

Seeing that Jungkook wasn't doing anything, Taehyung placed his hands on his shoulders. "I'm going to take the suit off. Is that alright?"

Jungkook still maintained his silence. He didn't even know why he was there in the first place. What was so important to talk to the other, that Taehyung was the last person to see before he gave up on his life?

Taehyung shook his head. Gently, he took off Jungkook's clothes and dried him up with the towel. Once he finished, he dressed his love with dried, thick clothes.

Taehyung gently laid Jungkook on his couch. "I'm gonna make you a hot tea." Which he did. Jungkook stared at the steamy cup of tea that was placed on the table in front of him. "Why are you here?" He asked, knowing very well that Jeongguk won't like it.

Why was he there, indeed. Jungkook couldn't tell him that he had no valid reason, that his legs carried him to his apartment as some sort of muscle memory. Yes, he wanted answers. Answers he wasn't too sure he wanted to hear.

"I don't know." He ultimately replied while looking down at his hands that were gripping the cup of tea.

Taehyung gave him some space. He sat opposite of him and tried his best not to intrude in asking too many questions. "How have you been?" He softly asked.

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