Chapter 56: Yoongguk.

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Yoongi just finished his call with Jeongguk. He placed the phone on the kitchen counter and stared at it with a frown on his face. He had recognized the darkness in Jungkook's eyes, the coldness, the numbness. He wanted to help him, he too knew what it was like to feel alone, a burden to everyone around. He wanted to listen to the twin, listen to him like no one did for him, yet, he didn't want to pry, to force the truth, and Jungkook didn't call him once. Maybe he should have tried harder, or push him to confess. He did nothing. He too was guilty.

"YoonYoon, why are you upset?" Jiyeon asked while she was cupping his face with her small hands.

"It's nothing Jiy, baby." He tried to force a smile. He wasn't sure if she would buy it, since the little one was way too perceptive.

Jiyeon shook her head, making her hair follow the movement. "YoonYoon, I'm not a child anymore. I'm a big girl." She looked at him with her big does eyes, carbon copy of her brothers.

"Yes, you are." Yoongi ruffled her hair. "Do you want something to eat?" He tried to change the conversation topic, bribing her with food.

"Yoon..." Her voice came out a bit commanding. "Did my Ggukie say something bad? Mommy always says something bad that makes my Kookie sad. Did he make you sad?"

Yoongi blinked a couple of times to understand her words. Yep, perceptive, he thought again. Adults were really clueless when dealing with children. Children picked up things, words and emotions more than one can think about.

"No baby, Ggukie did nothing wrong. He's a good boy." Yoongi smiled softly. He couldn't even imagine Jeongguk being less than perfect.

Jiyeon grinned. "Ggukie is the best."

"He really is." Yoongi agreed. Jeongguk will forever be the best for him. The one that chased away his doubts and nightmares. That completely transformed his life.

Jiyeon suddenly furrowed her eyebrows. "YoonYoon, did mommy upset you too?"

"No sweetheart." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's not mommy either."

"Is it Kookie?" She crossed her hands on her chest. "Is Kookie as bad as mommy says?" Tears gathered in her eyes.

"No baby. Kookie is a good boy too." Yoongi explained.

Jiyeon shook her head, not caring for his explanation. "YoonYoon, you said you'd never lie to me." She pointed out. "You are lying to me now."

Well, Yoongi did promise her that, just he couldn't tell her the truth, even though she had the right to know. "Sweetheart, Kookie is busy now."

"I want my Kookie." She suddenly snapped, her small hands formed into tiny fists as she glared at Yoongi.

"Honey, please understand, you can't see him now. Once he's better, he will visit us." He tried to plead with her.

"When he's better? What is going on Yoonie? Is Kookie hurt?"

Yoongi face palmed himself. "Jyi baby, Kookie had a small accident, we can't see him for now. He's in the hospital."

She chewed the onside of her cheek. Yoongi's breath cut up in his throat when Jiyeon stared him straight in his eyes. "My brother's in the hospital and if you don't take me there now, I will go there by myself to make sure my brother's okay." Her tone was determined, strong, but tears rolled down her cheeks.

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