Chapter 31: JiHope. (Wait a minute. No way.)

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*****Author's Note*****

HeHeHe.... Baby (you know who 😉 ).. I really do hope you like it, I tried my best to make it as hooot as I could. Enjoy. (I'm secretly shaking).

And the title... That's my metaphorical son in law 😉 Why? Because I can.... Muahahaha...


Hoseok was fuming. Jimin hadn't answered his phone, he had no idea where he was. Well, supposedly he was at his job, teaching dance, but he usually sent him a text with some sort of details. He was pacing through his living room, chewing on his nails. All kind of thoughts played in his mind. What if he found someone else? He shook his head, no. Jimin loved him, he could feel it in his bones. What if something happened to him? What if someone attacked him? What if he would leave him?

The anxiety was creeping inside his heart, making it hard to breathe. All those questions remained unanswered. His contradictory thoughts were making him dizzy. He took a deep breath to calm his beating heart. Once he was calm enough, he took out his jacket and his keys, and drove straight to Jimin's apartment.

Taehyung was the one that opened the door. He smirked upon seeing a worried Hoseok at his door. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" At first he thought it was about Jungkook and what he had done, but Hoseok would have punched him the moment he opened the door, so that was not it.

"Shut up." Hoseok pushed Taehyung away as he entered the apartment. "Where is he?"

"Where is who?" Taehyung chuckled.

"Jimin, you dickhead. Where is he?"

The thing was, Taehyung knew exactly what Jimin's plan was, and Taehyung agreed to help his friend out, well, mostly because he kind of hated Hoseok and also because Jimin was finally talking to him. "Oh, you mean your boyfriend?" Taehyung smirked as he put his hands in his pockets and stared the male down. "Isn't that something you were supposed to know?"

Hoseok took a step closer. "Where. Is. He?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Chill man." He raised his hands as if he would surrender. "He's at work. He'll be back soon."

"Okay." Hoseok took his jacket off and sat on the couch. "I'll wait."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I didn't think you'd leave anyway."

Twenty minutes had passed until Jimin finally got home. With trembling hands, he opened the door, and found Hoseok leaning on the kitchen counter, his hands crossed on his chest, having some argument with Taehyung. The moment his feet clinked against the floor, Hoseok's head snapped in his direction, making him take a step back.

Hoseok gulped. His eyes trailed down Jimin's long legs. His jaw tensed. "Jimin..." He said through gritted teeth as he got closer to his boyfriend. "What are you wearing?"

Jimin gulped. Hoseok's eyes were dark, burning with an intense desire and a dash of anger. "A s-skirt." He stuttered as he answered. His pulse had spiked through the roof. His cock twitched at the intense gaze of his boyfriend. "A skirt and my favorite shirt of yours, of course. Don't act like you're blind Hobi."

"Jimin..." Hoseok said again through gritted teeth, trying to keep his feelings under control. Which only proved oh, so difficult.

All he wanted was to snatch his boyfriend, rip his clothes off and bury himself deep. Jimin looked stunning. His long legs, his thick thighs, were making his mouth watering. The rage he felt, was making his words come out as a hiss. What if someone else saw the beauty in front of his eyes? What if someone touched him? He took a deep breath and pushed his worries aside. Jimin nibbled his lower lips with his teeth.

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