Chapter 49: JiHope.

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Hoseok was in front of Jimin's home. He begged Taehyung to tell him where he stays at, and he did manage to convince the other with the promise to bring Jimin back. He wasn't sure if his boyfriend, ex boyfriend, was gonna come back, but he will try. However, first things first, Hoseok had to do one more thing. That was, Jimin had to meet his parents. Hoseok took a deep breath, gathered all the courage he could muster and knocked on the door. He heard some voices and some shuffling before the door opened.

"Oh, it's you." Jimin said in a disappointed voice. "What do you want?" He raised his eyebrow.

There was absolutely no reason for the other to make his appearance at his door, nor did he wanted to see him. As far as he was concerned, their relationship ended. On a sour note, but still ended.

Hoseok was taken aback by Jimin's behavior. Nonetheless, what did he really expect? That Jimin will suddenly jump in his arms and pretend everything was alright? Of course not. Looking at his former boyfriend, his heart was hammering in his chest. He wore an oversize red sweater with black ripped skinny jeans. He looked adorable. Hoseok wanted nothing more than fall on his knees and beg forgiveness, though he knew he didn't deserve it, nor he will ever get it.

"Are you going to talk, or stare?" Jimin was annoyed. He wanted to just close the door and go back to his room to sulk.

"I need you to come with me." Hoseok muttered.

"And why is that?" Jimin crossed his arms on his chest.

"I have to show you something." Hoseok explained. "In the past, you wanted to know my family, right? I'm here to take you there." He wasn't sure of that was the best option, but what choice did he have? In order to explain himself, he had to take Jimin to where everything started. To where his deepest trauma laid on.

Jimin narrowed his eyes. "Why so suddenly?" It was something he wanted for a long time. He wanted to know how bad it was, how he can fix it.

"Because I love you. I love you, and I'm fucking stupid for letting you leave." Hoseok finally admitted. "All this time without you, felt like hell." He dropped on his knees, his hands intertwined together as he pleaded. "I know I'm an asshole. I know I lack in so many ways. I know I don't deserve you, or our baby." He gulped as tears were running down his face. "I can't live another day without you. Please, just this once."

Jimin scoffed. Even if his heart melted at the sight, he couldn't give in, nor he could deny how bad the other looked. Dark circles under his eyes, chapped lips, red swollen eyes and pale face. He was dressed in gray sweatpants with splashes of blue paint and a white blue striped shirt. He looked unkempt, chaotic.

"You think everything can be forgiven because you beg?" Jimin diverted his eyes from the male in front of him. "I suffered too, you know. I almost gave up completely. I didn't eat for two days, I was too broken to take care for me." A tear rolled down his cheek, immediately wiping it out. "The baby is the only thing that kept me going. So do tell me, how can I forgive you?"

"Let me take you to my parents home. Then if you don't want to have anything to do with me, I will accept it. I will disappear from your life."

Jimin frowned. He didn't want Hoseok to disappear. He wanted to go back together, but he was too hurt. Mentally and physically. He was confused to what he should do.

He already knew what shitty parents Hoseok has, but maybe he downplayed how rough things really were. What if Hoseok's fear of commitment came from them? What if his family pushed him so hard that he was scared to love? There were too many questions Jimin had no answer. So, he pushed aside his ego and decided it was time for him to see the rest of the story too.

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