Chapter 17: Hoseok.

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Hoseok was back again at the Red District, this time, he was in no mood to have fun. He already chugged down two glasses of whiskey, and he felt slightly tipsy. Still it was not enough. Awhile ago, his mother called again asking for money, luckily, the amount she requested wasn't big, doable, but his bank account was starting to shrink. He had requested Jeongguk more work hours, and now he found himself exhausted.

Hoseok couldn't pin point exactly what was wrong with him. Between his parents, his best friend and the pink hair guy that made it's way inside his dreams, he didn't know exactly where the problem laid. The only good thing that it gave him a little comfort, was the fact that he no longer had nightmares regarding that faithful day. All his dreams were now centered around a certain angel that took over his thoughts. He knew he shouldn't pursue him if they will meet again, his hands were tainted with his sibling's blood. Touching something so pure, was bigger that a sin. He didn't want to bring down such a pure soul.

Many would consider the pink hair make a slut, just because he carelessly had a one night stand in a booth of a club, but for Hoseok, it wasn't the case. Hoseok was drawn to the male like a moth to a flame. Little strings of red thread pulling them together. The intensity of their touches, was still burning deep inside Hoseok's mind. If the pink angel felt the same way, he couldn't point his finger at him and accuse him of such a vile thing, it was literally outside of their control.

The passion, the chemistry, oh how he wished he could live it again. He never felt more alive, he never felt so good, so clean. It was the first time his demon completely shut him off. The angel was Hoseok's personal heaven, and he wanted that again. He wanted the peace he felt in his soul when they their lips touched. The soft skin beneath his palm, the tight pink hole that made him lose his damn mind. Every particle in his being cried out to feel that again. But there was one thing he will never ever forget. His eyes.

Jimin's eyes were magnificent. The brown orbs could drown him like no mass of water could do it. His eyes held captive one of the most mystical secrets of the universe, the key to Hoseok's heart. Or possible key, if Hoseok was brave enough to look for him.

"Is this seat taken, master?"

Hoseok turned around to the male's voice. It was his usual submissive, but this time, something was different. He felt no need to chase a high. "Oh, Min." Hoseok greeted him. "Yeah. It's free."

"Would you like to play with me, master?" Min said in a seductive voice, while his hands were digging into the tight jeans on Hoseok's thighs.

"Not this time, Min." Hoseok replied in a gentle voice. He didn't want to be rude to anyone, especially the boy who was nothing but a good submissive.

Min understood completely the situation. His master wanted to be left alone. "Can I go play with others?"

Hoseok smiled and patted his head. "Yes pup. Go play with others, but be careful. Consent is everything."

"Thank you master." He planted a kiss on his master's cheek.

Hoseok smiled as the boy made his way on a couch, where other males were sitting there, waiting.

"That was very sweet of you." Hwasa said with a smile on her face.

"He's a nice kid." Hoseok smirked.

Hwasa sat down on a chair next to him, and ordered a glass of cherry for herself. "I still remember the night you found him." Her smile faded at the memory.

A shudder ran through his body. "I don't want to remember." He said dryly.

Hoseok was for his second time in the Red district, he was on his way to his room when he suddenly heard Min's cries for help. Most submissives there enjoyed their pain, but there was something different about it. It was a cry of pain, muffled sounds and whiplashes. He couldn't stay impassive, so he opened the door, and the sight, completely terrified him.

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