Chapter 68: Yoongguk.

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Two years had passed. Jihoon and Jihee were in prison and they were going to stay there for a very long time. It wasn't easy putting them behind bars, they did it anyway. Jeongguk worked relentlessly, together with Namjoon and Jin. There were days when they felt like giving up, then Hoseok would push them forward with some confident words. Soomin also brought her own legal team to work alongside them.

When Ari was born, Yoongi had the scare of his life. It only took a minute for him to go to the bathroom, leaving his baby girl alone in the hospital room, when he came back, the light of his eyes was gone. He frantically searched, yell, pleaded through the whole God damn hospital for her.

Even Jimin who gave birth the day before, was searching with him, all the wile holding his own son in his arms. Jeongguk was scared. He had never felt that amount of fear before in his life. All he could think about, was finding Ari. Until he did.

Jeongguk found Ari in his mother's arms in their former home. In that moment, all he could think about was ripping his mother to shreds. But he kept himself in check and after making sure Ari was with Yoongi, he filed a kidnapping charge against Jihee, which only added to her years in prison. Suffice to say, Yoongi had never taken his eyes from his daughter ever again. In addition, Jeongguk also managed to legally adopt his little sister, which wasn't that little anymore, at least that's what she keeps saying.

Jeongguk was still the CEO, and Jin was now the COO alongside him. Of course Jungkook still had his shares, but he again refused to work in the company, it wasn't something he wanted to do. Jeongguk sometimes would go and ask his opinion on products they would launch, and gave Jungkook the credit he deserved. Now it was all over. There wasn't a need for them to look over their shoulders in fear. They weren't scared that their happiness was going to robbed from them. They were free to be whoever they wanted. Yoongi went back to painting, and the first one made, was a painting of their small family. All six of them. The twins, Jin, Jiyeon, Ari and Yoongi.

Their small family. Yoongi was happy, as happy as he never was. Giving himself to Jeongguk, loving him, at times it might not have been easy, but it was the best decision he had made in his life. Jeongguk was a prince. No. He was a king. He had never treated Yoongi less than he deserved.

Loving Jeongguk, was like feeling the sun on his skin every moment. In his kisses, in his touches, the way he would hold their daughter, or help Jiyeon with her homework. The CEO never faltered to show him, to appreciate their relationship. And Yoongi did it too. He always made sure Jeongguk felt his love for him. He would go to his office and give him cooked meal whenever he would stay longer hours, he made sure the house was spotless, the children fed and cleaned.

And when they made love, Yoongi would whisper words straight from his heart. Their love was even stronger than it was in the beginning. They've walked through fire together and came out free. Even now, Yoongi had finished changing the diapers of Ari and her clothes, then traced her tiny face with his thumb. She had the same big doe eyes as her father, same tiny button nose, but the smile, it was Yoongi's.

Ari giggled in her baby language and stuck her small fist on her lips, sucking on her fingers like a pacifier. It was too cute. He smiled and took her hand into his, running his finger on her knuckles.

"We don't do that, baby."

"Dada..." She smiled brightly as she was trying to speak.

"Yes baby, dada will come in a minute." Yoongi kissed the tip of her nose.

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