Chapter 6: Namjoon.

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What were the perimeters that defined what a good friend was? Was it a statistics report, or a long research list that determined the traits one should have to become someone's best friend?

"Ah, shit." Kim Namjoon really doubted himself.

He had done the worst job at being Yoongi's best friend. He had failed, failed to show his support. He failed to see the toil behind Yoongi's blinding gummy smile. He should have pushed him to admit to needing help, but he wasn't the type to force it. Yoongi was living with him for the past couple days, having been evicted from his apartment.

Namjoon was relieved and pleased to see that his best friend had gained back a healthier color, from a ghostly pale to a warm pale. He had plumper, rosier cheeks and his lips were starting to look pinker. Most importantly, the dark bags under his eyes from little to no sleep were fading away. Namjoon was still concerned about Yoongi's clothes, though. Those colorless, tattered clothes that hung so loosely off the boy's body.

Namjoon was livid when he saw those clothes, he wanted to take them to a dumpster and burn them until they were black ashes. Yoongi deserved so much better. Namjoon was in so much pain seeing how much the younger struggled to keep his life together. Min Yoongi deserved to have pretty clothes, glimmering jewelry, a happy life. The older wanted for him to live peacefully, for him to never fight another battle ever again.

"Yoon, I have an important event tonight at the club, I need new clothes, can you come with me?"

Yoongi raised his eyebrow. There was something hidden behind his question. A plot to convince him to do something he didn't want. "Why?"

"Like I said, I have an important event down at the club and I need appropriate clothes. Also, I would like to eat out. I need some junk food in my system. What do you say?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Fine."

Namjoon fought back his smile. Though it was a small victory, the war wasn't won yet. He grabbed his keys and drove to the mall. To keep up with the pretense, Namjoon bought a few stuff for himself first. They went store to store, until he finally spotted the one he was looking for, Jeon Revella. He knew it was Yoongi's favorite fashion brand, and he knew exactly how to let him buy some for him.

"Hey Yoon?" Namjoon grabbed his friend's attention, while casually looking at some clothes.

"Yes?" Yoongi didn't see the reason for why one should have so many clothes, at the same time, Namjoon was also a business man, so he definitely needed to look the part.

"Since we're here, why don't we buy something for you too?"

"Joon, I already told you I don't need new clothes." Yoongi scoffed and crossed his arms on his chest like a stubborn child.

"I know." Namjoon smiled. "But, I think you need some new clothes for your job interviews."

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

Namjoon fought the urge to slap himself. He should have chosen different words, now Yoongi was on guard. "Nothing. You just need a more professional look. What if you get a job in a company?"

"I have an art degree. Nobody is going to hire me to work in a company."

It wasn't going as Namjoon thought it would. Yoongi fought him every step of the way. "Last thing I want is to offend you. When you go on a job interview, you're going to be judged even for what your wearing. Yes, it's unfair, but this is how real life works. They won't care how strong you are, or how hard working you are. Appearances, sometimes trump everything else."

"Are you one of those?" Yoongi asked in a small voice. He understood where Namjoon was coming from. He was already judged enough for his poor look.

Namjoon never in his life judged someone. He always believed that people deserved a second chance. Most of his staff came from a difficult background, yet, he didn't care about that. He only cared about the work they were willing to put in. He remembered a time when his club was not doing so well, his staff decided they would accept a pay cut until the club was going back to its glory. They were so happy they were finally accepted, that they didn't care on having to struggle for a bit. They were the misfits, what society deemed as unacceptable. Yet, Namjoon gave them a chance and they were more that happy to help him back. With their help, the club became one of the most high end one, while Namjoon and Jackson were the most beloved bosses.

"That's what you think of me?" Namjoon didn't want to think his friend had such a bad view on his person.

"No." Yoongi replied back. "I could never see you as a ruthless man."

"Thank you. It means the world to me."

"Ok. Let's stop with this. Let's buy me some new clothes." Yoongi didn't want to go all sappy in the middle of the store. "But I'm paying you back."

"Of course." Namjoon quickly agreed, though he will never accept anything back from his best friend.

These are the situations that determined what a best friend was. The ability to help the other when there was absolutely nothing to gain from. Namjoon didn't do it because he was such a good person, Namjoon did it because it was the right thing to do. Helping someone in need should be all for personal gain, but for the happiness of the person you help.

Yoongi picked up a handful of clothes he deemed necessary. Jeon Revella was the one brand he loved to wear. Their clothes were gender fluid, the fabrics used were of good quality, and the price was somewhat affordable, just not for him. He liked their fluffy sweaters, their skinny ripped jeans, their plated shirts and comfy t-shirts.

Namjoon shook his head and added some extra clothes to the pile without Yoongi noticing. After Namjoon paid for their shopping, they went to a fast food cart and ordered some food. They ate in silence, occasionally smiling at one another.

Yoongi was grateful for it. It gave him a chance to process the events of the day. He felt guilty and ashamed for having Namjoon paid for his things. It was a hard deal for him to accept. what kind of a best friend he was, if he allowed Namjoon to take care of him? It wasn't fair for their friendship.

Yoongi had nothing to offer. Seeing Namjoon smile at him, he didn't see pity in his eyes, just genuine care. Maybe that was what made their friendship that much precious. The fact that they were supporting each other through the good and the bad, without waiting for something in return.

"Thank you." Yoongi broke a genuine smile.

"My pleasure." Namjoon beamed. They needed this day. They needed a break far away from their problems. A chance to make Yoongi think of something else.

After they ate, Namjoon drove back home for a quick change of clothes. He opted for a baby blue dress shirts with subtle white stripes, a standard black belt and some khaki ankle-lenght trousers, and a wooden bead bracelet.

"Why aren't you dressed?" He asked as he saw his friend on the couch with his phone in his hands, probably looking for a job.

"Why? I'm not coming."

"Please. Let's have some fun." Namjoon grinned.

"Joon, you know I can't deal with crowds. It gives me anxieties."

"I have the perfect solution for that. Jackson will be staying in his office anyway, and he bugged me for you guys to spend some time together. What do you say?"

Well, no was one thing Yoongi couldn't say when his friend was looking at him with hope in his eyes. "Okay. I'll come. I'll also help you a bit before they start showing up."

"Great." Namjoon fist bump his friend.

He waited patiently for his friend, which chose to wear a tie-dye long sleeve shirt. It was a pastel pink, faded blue with a bit of purple dress shirt. He coupled the shirt with a pair of light blue jeans, a white belt, and his favorite chain and ring. Namjoon smiled in contempt. He managed to get Yoongi out of the house for the night.

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