Chapter 18: Jin.

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Jin was waiting for his mother to come down from her room. It was time for their monthly date between mother and son. He was dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans, white T-shirt and a long white cotton shirt with black stripes. It was casual, yet it looked elegant.

"You look like a catch." His mother, Kim Mirae said with a chuckle.

"And you look hot mom." Jin smiled as he looked at his mom.

Kim Mirae was 46 years old, yet, she looked like someone in her thirties. She was beyond beautiful, with her slick black long hair, her sparkling eyes that hid a lot of struggles, her perfect silky skin that had a healthy glow. Mirae has been through a lot. She got pregnant at the age of 17, a child herself. Her parents made her chose between her baby and them.

At first she chose them. Her then doctor, before preparing for an abortion, wanted to make sure she was absolutely convinced of her choice, as he felt that the teenager wasn't yet dead set in her parents ways. So, he asked her if she would want to listen to the baby's heartbeat. Mirae, reluctantly agreed. Upon hearing the baby's heartbeat, the little thump thump sound, her heart would not allow her to abort the baby.

It was the most beautiful sound in the world, and she teared up saying over and over again, that her baby will live despite the fact that she would lose everything. Next day, she packed her bags and left, never looking back. She did all sorts of sordid jobs, from cleaning toilets to walking dogs, all to make enough money to take care of her precious boy. She didn't even care that Jin's father was not even in the picture.

Now that her baby boy was an adult, she just wanted what was the best for him, their relationship was a close one. Both of them doing their best to support the other. They were far from being rich, but they managed. As long as they had each other, they were rich at heart.

Jin never asked for things his mother could not provide. Yes, it was hard for him seeing other kids affording stuff he could only dream of, but he never once complained. He wasn't blind, he saw how much his mother struggled to keep them afloat.

When he came to the age of seventeen, he got a job too, to help around the house, since then, they were better. Mirae got a chance to do what she loved the most, be a wedding planner, thing that brought them quite the income, since now they lived inside their own purchased house. It was nothing grand, two stories high, two rooms, two bathrooms, living room and kitchen. For the time being, it was enough for them. Although Mirae insisted on Jin moving out and find his own way, Jin was adamant in staying with his mom.

He really didn't see any reasons to why he should pay rent when they had their own home, so Mirae accepted her son resolution. More so since he was literally like herself. Same stubborn, wild and funny attitude.

"Stop it." She playfully slapped his arm.

"If you find someone to, you know... date, just put a sock on the door." Jin winked and clicked his tongue against his teeth, making a pop sound.

"Jiiiiin..." His mother warned.

"Seriously, mom. You don't look a day over thirty, and you have the body of a goddess. I'm still surprised that you're single."

Mirae rolled her eyes at her son's antics. She had been single for more that fifteen years, yet, she had no desire to change her status. Her last boyfriend didn't get along with Jin, and for her, her baby was the most important person in the whole world. There wasn't a man on earth that could change her mind.

"So, what are your plans for this evening?"

"Well, we start with a sweet, peaceful dinner, then we go to Jackson's club to dance a bit." Jin explained what he prepared for their special date.

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