Chapter 21: JiHope.

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Hoseok made his way to the hotel bar. He ruffled his hair and sat at the bar counter, ordering a glass of Bourbon. He paid for his drink and took a long sip from his glass. He turn his body towards the lounge and scanned the room with his eyes. His breath stuck in his throat, his hands suddenly clamped with sweat, when his eyes landed on a mop of pink hair.

Unconsciously, he got up from his seat and made his way towards that person. He stopped at a safe distance, while his sight took in the appearance. He remembered that small waist, plum ass and thick thighs. Just the simple thought of what happened in a certain booth, in a certain club, was making his heart race in his chest. He found his angel. His baby doll. And there was something else he noticed.

The boy's small hands were formed into fists, his body was stiff. Something wasn't right, and Hoseok could feel it in his bones. Without thinking much, he strolled until his body was close to the person he desired the most. His hand, automatically wrapped around the tiny waist.

"Are you alright baby?" He whispered low enough to send chills down the Jimin's spine, but loud enough to be heard by others.

Jimin's lips parted. The warmth released from the man's hand spread inside his body, and he leaned against the hard chest, finding comfort. His low voice was making his legs weak, his heart humming inside his chest.

"You found me." Jimin finally whispered back.

He didn't need to turn around to see who it was, his body already recognized the man. Hoseok. He came on his own, without Jimin finding him.

"We were having a conversation, fuck off." The man who talked to Jimin snapped at the sudden intrusion.

Hoseok tightened his grip, standing tall behind Jimin, his head raised, glaring at the man with a smirk on his face. "Fuck off? Me?" He released a short laugh, which vibration sent shivers down Jimin's spine. "You have exactly twenty seconds to leave, or you'll find out who I really am."

"I'm not scared of you." The man blurted out. He wasn't scared, he was petrified. Hoseok's aura was scary as his eyes threw daggers.

"Oh, but you should." Hoseok spoke in a low rough voice. "Would you like me to give you a preview?" He raised his eyebrow, a mocking smirk plastered on his face.

"It's not even worth it." The man spat as he spun on his heels and left the couple alone. Jimin smiled and leaned even more on the man that held him as if his life depended on that grip.

"Did you missed me baby?" Hoseok asked, while blowing hot air in his ear.

Jimin's thoughts were muddy. He could barely form any words. He had looked everywhere for Hoseok without any luck, and right now, he was in his arms. Arms that made him feel protected, safe, desired.

"Pretty..." Hoseok turned him around so they could be face to face. He cupped Jimin's face and planted a soft kiss on the top of his nose.

Jimin smiled at the softness in his eyes. The people around them became nothing more than a mass of blurry bodies. There was nothing else around them, except themselves, their hearts beating together at the same pace, same strength.

"I've looked for you." Jimin admitted, his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.

"You did?" Hoseok asked rather shocked by what he heard. He realized, he wasn't the only one that was affected by that night.

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