Chapter 8: Yoongi.

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When the people attending the event started coming in, Yoongi took it as his cue to leave. He went into Jackson's office, knowing that he will be able to see everything from there, also spend some time with his friend. He was so lucky to have two amazing friends in his life. Friends that would do anything for him, and the people they cared about. He knocked on the wooden door and entered only after he heard a faint 'come in.'

"Yoonie." Jackson got up from his seat and hugged his friend. "Have a seat." He pointed at the couch adjacent of his desk.

Yoongi nodded and sat down, shyly scanning his surroundings. Jackson's office was very well put together. The walls were painted a light shade of yellow, his desk was light brown, behind the desk there was a small bookcase. Everything screamed simplicity and softness, matching very well with his personality. What actually shocked Yoongi, was the pole close to the window.

"Namjoon said it's ok for me to come up here. I can leave if you have work to do." Last thing he wanted was to bother his friend. What if he had work to do? Oh, he shouldn't have come.

"No, no. Please stay. I'm in dire need of a break, plus, we can also oversee the party." Jackson replied with a chuckle and a wink.

Yoongi got up and walked towards the window. He saw various men in their suits and women in all sorts of dresses. The event seemed important. "Hyung, who's the event for?" He turned to ask his friend.

Jackson smiled and plopped himself next to him. "Jeon Verella. They successfully launched their new gender-less line of clothing and it had a huge success."

"Nice." Yoongi hummed. He wondered how did it felt to have everything you ever wished for. Unfortunately for him, people of his kind could never relate.

"Do you wanna drink something?" Jackson asked, bringing him back from his thoughts.

"Sure " Yoongi shrugged and went back on the couch. "What do you have?"

"What do you want?" Jackson grinned. "I have the old Jack in the hat, some sunrise tequila, or the normal few years old cognac."

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the poor selection of words, but he was amused either way. "Some Jack is fine."

Jackson poured two glasses of whiskey, one handing it to his friend, the other one keeping it to himself. "How did Joon convinced you to come here?"

"He didn't do much of convincing, more of demanding." Yoongi laughed. "We had a fun day, it would have been weird for it to end with me sitting at home. So I decided to accept his invite."

"Is he treating you right?"

"Hyung, are you doubting your brother?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

Jackson shook his head. "Never in my life."

"Good." Yoongi took a sip of the golden liquid and closed his eyes as he felt the burn inside his chest. "Thank you for having me."

Jackson patted his back. "You're one of us Yoon. I'm so happy you're here."

"Me too." Yoongi agreed. "I've had rough time lately. I'm so grateful that I can forget my shit for a day." He didn't know what possessed him to even say it, maybe he needed someone in his corner. Or maybe, he just wanted to vent out to someone who was willing to listen to him.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jackson's eyes softened. There were a lot of things he wanted to say, but he was scared Yoongi will close his feelings once again.

Yoongi shrugged. "It was my problem to fix. I can't expect someone to just jump in and help me."

Jackson came closer and patted his hand. "Yoongi, we're not friends just when things are good. Friends are meant to have each other's back. What if one day I'll be the one falling? Or Namjoon? Would you turn your back on us?"

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