Chapter 40: JiHope.

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******Author's Note****

Special part of this chapter. ParkYuuna22 love you baby. Thank you so much. ❤❤❤

Btw, promise is a promise, J*. Don't forget. 😉

Attention, this chapter contains BDSM parts. Proceed with caution.

Hoseok turned to Jimin, his hand on the door knob. They were currently in the latter's home. "I need you to remember and use the safe words when you deem necessary, princess. Do you understand?"

Jimin's heart was already on fire with anticipation. He didn't know what was in the room waiting for him; but he had to assure his boyfriend in every instance that he is fine. So to Hoseok's question he nodded his head and intertwined there fingers.

"What are the words baby? I need to make sure you remember them." Hoseok asked, worry evident in his tone. Worry, fear, excitement, all of these could be read in his eyes.

"Green for ok, orange for slow and red for stop. It's really simple Hobi. I won't forget." Jimin squeezed his hand in reassurance.

Hobi gulped thickly and nodded to himself, swinging the door open and revealing a very different kind of room. Something Jimin only thought existed in movies. A room painted in red, black and white strips. The right wall of the room however was completely covered by a huge mirror, almost like a dance studio and above it was some zigzagged rods with a few leather belts hanging from it.

The ceiling had a chandelier of the same color scheme, the floor of pristine marble. The wall opposite to the door had various cabinets, whips and floggers of different shapes and sizes on display. In the middle of the room was a huge king sized bed with satin red sheets and white pillows. Jimin noticed the leather cuffs attached to the four post of the bed. The other side had a beige sofa with a few peach colored cushions on it and a small coffee table. The room was pretty aesthetic and nerve wrecking for Jimin at the same time.

"Do you like it? Is it too much? Do you want to leave, princess?" Hoseok pulled Jimin out of his trance with his concerning questions.

"N-no. It's... I want this with y-you." Jimin stuttered as his heart beat way faster than it should. The spark of lust already dancing on his skin.

Hoseok smirked at the flustered state of his boyfriend. Oh boy did he want to wreck the younger. He harshly pulled Jimin by his waist to his chest, his gaze flickering from the eyes to the lips. "Is that so, princess? Then let me show you how far this can go." Hobi whispered and bit Jimin's earlobe. "Limits are for those who are afraid to cross them."

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