Chapter 75: Yoongguk.

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It had been six months from Jihee's funeral. Life turned back to normal for most of them. Jungkook was happy with Taehyung, he was showered every day with love, appreciation, and for the first time in his life, he felt treasured and important. Taehyung catered to his every need and supported the older in everything he wanted to accomplish.

Jeongguk and Yoongi had been convinced by their friends to finally have their dream wedding. Mirae of course helped him planning it. They used the same outdoor decor that was used in Namjin and JiHope wedding, but the ballroom was arranged in a different style. The dance floor was covered in tiny little purple lights that illuminated the entire room, round tables with white flowers and silver seats. They had quite the journey and they deserved to finally have their moment.

Maybe they should have waited longer, but their friends made a good point. Ari was already growing, and Jiyeon was a teenager, how long were they gonna wait? So they decided to listen to them, and now they found themselves getting ready for their big day.

Jin was helping Yoongi get ready. The groom chose a white simple suit with a white dress shirt, his blond hair parted on his forehead. "Gguk is gonna lose it when he'll see you. You're beautiful. And white really suits you." Jin beamed.

"I can believe we're doing it." Yoongi said in a soft voice as he took his appearance in the mirror.

"You both deserve it." Jin reassured him.

"What would others think that we are getting married so soon after Jihee's funeral?"

"Who gives a shit?" Jin threw his hands in the air. "It's not like they cared about you. We, your friends and family are here with you. No one else matters. You both deserve to be happy."

Yoongi sighed. "You're right."

"I usually am." Jin flipped his non existent long hair in the back.

Yoongi burst out laughing. He should have felt nervous, but it wasn't the case. He felt calm and peaceful. Ready to make it official. The only regret he was having was the fact that his parents won't be there to see him, or walk him down the aisle. He was alone, just like Jeongguk was, except the latter had his siblings, while Yoongi didn't. He tried not to think about it, but it bothered him. He thought that maybe on this special day, they will bury the hatched and be there for him. It didn't happened. His parents were too caught up in their own mess to have any space for their son.

On the other side of the room, Jeongguk was pacing back and front. His palm were sweating rivers and the turmoil of emotions that drown him, was making it hard for him to breath. He chose a blue velvety suit with sparkling rims and a white dress shirt.

Namjoon was casually sipping from his champagne glass. He should have been with Yoongi, but Jin insisted to be there for him, knowing that the calm attitude of his husband will help Jeongguk more than he could ever do. He was right. The CEO was a mess.

"Why are you so nervous?" Namjoon sheepishly asked.

"What if he will get to regret his decision?"

"Does he have a reason to?" Namjoon raised his eyebrow.

"A lot. My mother tried to kill him. I don't even want to know what my father will do."

"Yoongi loves you very much. So much, he even put aside his own fears to be by your side. You both been through a lot. Take this chance to strengthen the bond between you." Namjoon smiled at the CEO. "Your father will do nothing. Taehyung had already talked to him. He went to see him in prison two days after the funeral. He made sure Jihoon will stay put."

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