Chapter 15: Yoongi.

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When Yoongi saw received the email for an interview with the CEO of Revella company, his heart dropped for a second. He had an interview, and not only that. The paycheck seemed pretty hefty, and above all, they also offered accommodation. Which meant that Yoongi could save his paycheck and finally be able to find his own place to live. The job was for a babysitter, which wasn't a difficult job, he loved children. The prior night he barely slept. His mind still processed the fact that in over a week, he only received one invitation to an interview. Namjoon, seeing the stress his best friend was under, agreed to take Yoongi to the company.

Before Yoongi got out of the car, Namjoon squeezed his hand. "Whatever their answer is going to be, please know that you are stronger than anything."

"Thank you Joon."

"Good luck buddy."

Yoongi got out of the car and stopped in front of the impressive building. It was ten stories high, all made of glass. He looked at his glass reflection and sighed. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans with a black belt, a black turtleneck, paired with a dark caramel jacket. He felt so out of place. He could only hope people wouldn't judge him based on the clothes he was wearing.

He raised his hand to push the door open, but he was cut off by the security guard who opened the door for him.

The man bowed as Yoongi stepped inside. "Welcome sir to Jeon Revella. Please sign in at the welcome desk." He said with a smile.

The guard knew that Yoongi wasn't an employee, since there was no badge hanging from his neck. Yoongi muttered a thank you as he made his way to the welcome desk. The hallway looked something out of a movie.

The walls were painted a white pearly color, the floor was covered in marble. Some of the employees that walked past him, nodded with their heads towards him as a greeting. He wondered if they were this genuinely nice, or it was just some facade since it was the first floor? He cleared his throat once he got to the welcome desk. Behind the desk was a petite brunette, which was tipping on her computer.

She raised to her feet and slightly bowed. "Hello. Welcome to Jeon Revella. How may I assist you sir?"

"Ummm... Hello." Yoongi greeted back, his voice came out a bit shaky. His palms were sweaty, no matter how many times he wiped his hands on his jeans. "My name is Min Yoongi. I have an interview."

"Oh right." The girl smile grew even bigger. "Please bare with me for a moment." She picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Hey Jen, Mr. Min has arrived. Can you please come pick him up? Thanks." She put the phone down and turned her attention back to Yoongi. "My colleague will come down in a minute. She will take you to see Mr. Jeon Jr."

Yoongi thanked her and turned around to scan the place. There were some green plants strategically placed, a big light gray couch was opposite of the desk, with a small glass table in front of it. A few magazines were spread on it.

"Mr. Min?" A girl suddenly popped up next to him. She had her hand extended. "My name is Jennie. I will take you to Mr. Jeon's office."

Yoongi shook her hand and followed her to the elevator. The building was even bigger on the inside. He noticed that there were four elevators in total. He assumed that one must be used exclusively by the CEO himself. He highly doubted a man of his stature would actually commute with his employees.

When they got out of the elevator, Yoongi's mouth dropped open. The interior was exquisite. There were two big offices made of glass, and two desks in front of them. On the floor, there was carpet, not marble. It looked comfortable and warm.

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