Chapter 57: Jihope.

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There are things that we can't control. We cannot control what others do around us, we cannot control the outcome of our relationships. What we can control, is our reaction, the way we demand to be treated by the ones around us. It's not always easy, but we do deserve to be treated with respect and care. 
The most important thing to remember, we are never alone. When one finds itself in a situation where it feels like there is no way out, if the pain is too much, talk to your close one, being them your parents, your friends, or your partner. Never keep things bottled up. Is not shameful to lean on someone else. It's strength, not a weakness. For yourself, you have to be the most important one.


Jimin just finished with his shower. Lately, he wasn't feeling particularly well. Nothing was going on with him health wise, his mental state was the one that troubled him. He noticed during his bath time how thick he had become. His tummy was no longer flat, instead there was a small bump. Even though he smiled looking at it, the nagging feeling in the back of his mind, didn't leave him in peace. He was getting fat. His thighs were now too thick and he could spot a few stretch marks. His ass, once plum and perky, looked now like a watermelon out of commission. He loved his little bub, but he couldn't stop hating himself for how he looked.

No wonder Hoseok hadn't touched him in more than a month, he was horrendous. He felt like all the progress he had done had gone to waste with just a single look in the mirror. All the negative thoughts he ignored since his love had come into his life, was hitting him now like bullets. Disgusting, ugly, fat, all these words were mocking him, like in the past. His emotions were all over the place, and he felt lonelier than ever.

Taehyung wasn't there to reassure him that nothing was wrong with him. He couldn't tell Hoseok how he felt, he just couldn't. Jungkook already had too many things om his plate, so there left no one to talk to. He could force himself to throw up, or eat a single meal in ten days, but that would only hurt his baby. He couldn't afford that. He loved his bub, if being ugly and hating himself guaranteed the health of his little sunshine, so be it.

Jimin jumped startled when his phone rang. With a sigh, he wrapped a towel around his waist and picked up the call. There were no other sounds coming from the other side, except crying sounds.

"Tae?" He asked unsure. He didn't recognized the number.

"Chim..." Taehyung was crying. He couldn't even talk by how overwhelmed he was with everything that happened. He once again left his jealousy and rage consume him. He just couldn't imagine his bunny with someone else, and that made him spiral. "I did it again, Chim. I hurt Kookie. And now... Please come. I need you."

Jimin closed his eyes. He had never heard Taehyung crying in that way. "Where are you?"

"At the hospital." Taehyung said between heart wrenching sobs.

"Fuck, Tae. What did you do?" Jimin took off his towel and got dressed in a rush.

"Please. I can't..." He chocked up some pleading words, Jimin hadn't heard.

"I'm on my way."

Taehyung was on the floor, crying while hugging his knees. The fact that he had killed his own baby, was something he couldn't even comprehend. It hurt. Everything hurt, and it was only his fault.

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