Chapter 38: Namjin.

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"How do I look?" Mirae asked her son as she did a spin. She was dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a white blouse, a red jacket on top, paired with red high heels shoes.

"You look beautiful, mom. Just like always." Jin replied with a chuckle. He too was dressed in a pair of dark jeans, white t-shirt and a baby blue jeans jacket.

"Shut up." Mirae rolled her eyes. "I'll get the cake, you get the car."

"Yes ma'am." Jin saluted. He was giggling on the outside, but on the inside he was a nervous wreck.

Namjoon invited the duo to his place to meet up with the rest of his family. Thing that made Jin a little uncomfortable. Well, not quite uncomfortable as much as it scared the crap out of him. Jin got the car ready and it didn't take long for his mom to get inside too.

"Tell me more about him. Is he treating you like a prince?" Mirae was paying attention to her son.

She knew him the best. She knew every tick he had. From biting his lips when he was thinking hard, or when his ears turned red when he was embarrassed, or, how his nose scrunched when he lied. She knew all the signs to understand if Jin was saying the truth.

"He does. I like him mom. He pays attention to everything I say. He doesn't belittle me, or looks at me differently because he's richer than me." Jin explained. "And his smile is to die for. Those dimples are so cute, I sometimes wanna poke his cheeks."

Mirae wanted to jump on the hood of the car and do a small victory dance. The look on Jin's face, the sparkle in his eyes, it told her more than her son's words. She couldn't wait to meet the man who stole her son's heart. She could only hope that Jin gets to have his once upon a time kind of love.

Mirae knew she won't be forever by his side, and as every loving mother she only wished the best for her son. Jin was a precious human being, he deserves love and respect, even the moon. He had been through a lot because of her. She bit her lower lip and she gazed through the car window. It was her fault, she was more than aware of it, but she was selfish. She didn't want to give up on him. Yes, they struggled, been through a lot of difficult situations, they still made it though. All she wanted now, was her son's happiness.

"We're here." Jin parked the car, got off and opened his mom's car door.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She pecked his forehead and then wiped the lipstick traces from his skin.

"Mom..." He whined as he wiped his forehead. "You're gonna get me all red with lipstick."

Mirae laughed. "Shut up." She took a step and stopped.

The box with the cake was in her hand, while her eyes scanned his house, happy that Namjoon was having his own place. She could only imagine children running around the yard, making grabby hands towards their appa and dadda. She blinked a couple of times to stop the tears from running down her face. First, she had to actually meet the man before she gives her blessings.

Namjoon was behind door. His palms were sweaty and he kept pacing through the hallway, chewing on his nails.

"You're gonna make a hole on this floor if you keep pacing like this." Jaehwa said as he placed his hand on his son's shoulder. "Don't worry sweetheart, everything will be alright and she will love you. What's not to love anyway? You're sweet, you're kind, and you're also hot."

"Appaaaa..." Namjoon whined. "What if she still doesn't like me?"

"Stop it right there. You won't think that way, ok?" Jaehwa chastised. "You're my baby. I know what I raised. So take a deep breath and calm yourself. Everything will be alright."

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