Chapter 54: Jackson.

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Jackson stepped inside Amber club to check up on things before he went to see his best friend, only to be hit with a sight of a singer on their small stage. He was taken aback by her powerful rapping, which was in contrast to she was looking. She was dressed in a pair of leather shorts and a black with white stripes suit jacket on top. She was hella sexy, but not in the trashy type of way, more the classy type. Her long tanned legs, small waist, he could see her plum lips even from the distance, her long black hair tied in a loose ponytail, a few strands on her cheek. Everything about her was compelling. Her attitude though, was the one that draw him in. Her fierceness. He sat at the bar counter without taking his eyes off of her.

"Who's she?" He asked the bartender. Whenever you want info, the bartender has them, more so, since Jackson had no idea what was happening.

"Her name is Ho Hyun-joo." The bartender replied with a smile as he pushed a glass of whiskey towards his boss. It was his usual order.

"Ho Hyun-joo." Jackson whispered her name as he took a sip from his glass.

The singer felt eyes on her. She smirked and looked straight at the male who was casually drinking from his glass, leaned on the bar while he downright stared at her. She winked at him as she sang her next verse:

Tell me who's hotter, Nada You dealing with a four-headed monsta

Where are you coming from selling cheap things I won't hold back, you don't want no problems

How I want how I want Hey No matter what anyone says, how I want Hey If I'm the problem, there's no answer You can look and stare, but don't touch me...

Jackson was enthralled. Everything about her pulled him in. He was like the moth to her flame. He could burn in her presence. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice when she approached the bar.

"Here." She handed him a napkin. "Wipe your drool." She said it in a dry tone as she rolled her eyes. It wasn't the first one to look at her like she was his meal.

Jackson blinked a few times, barely believe that she was in front of him. "Ho Hyun-joo."

He looked at her, almost hypnotized. The people around them faded away, the music had stopped. All he could see was her. She was even more beautiful up close. Her whole personality screamed that she was no bullshit and don't fuck with me type of woman.

"It's Jessica, actually." She rolled her eyes. The singer leaned on the bar. "Where can I find Kim Namjoon?" She asked the bartender.

The bartender pointed towards the stairs in the back. "Up those stairs, second door to the right."

"Thanks." With that she left.

"Boss?" The bartender asked worried. His boss had a lost look on his face.

"What the hell just happened?" Jackson felt like he could breath for the first time since his eyes fell on her. Everything came back to normal. His customers, his club, the music started playing again. "Weird." He shook his head. He finished his glass and went to Namjoon's office, just to see her walk away, but not before winking at him. "Why the hell didn't you tell me the hottest person in the world was gonna sing in our damn club?" He asked his brother in an accusative tone of voice.

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Weren't you supposed to take care of Jin while I work my shift here?"

"I was gonna go. Then I saw her, and then..."

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