Chapter 72: Namjin.

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It was the day before their departure to Spain. Namjoon and Jin decided to accept the Jung's invitation to Spain. Though it would be a bit difficult to travel with their two year old baby, but thankfully, Hoseok and Jimin took care of the papers they needed for them to be able to take Haneul to Spain. Jin was pacing through their living room. He was thinking of going to the prison and talk to Jihoon, but he didn't know if that was a good idea or not.

Namjoon was sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap. Seeing his husband so agitated, wasn't making him happy. He closed the laptop and pushed it aside. He was looking at a contract, but the love of his life was more important. Namjoon got up and wrapped his hands around Jin's waist, giving him a back hug.

"What's wrong, love?"

Jin sighed and leaned on his chest. "I'm thinking whether to see Jihoon or not."

"Would that make you feel better?" Namjoon asked in a soft voice. In his point of view, neither of the choices were beneficial to his husband, but it wasn't his choice. He could only support Jin.

"I don't know." Jin admitted. "If he rejects me, or approve me, it won't matter either way. My life won't change."

"Then what do you think you will achieve if you go see him? Would that make you feel better, or worse?" Namjoon knew that sometimes, Jin may not need an actual answer, or an advice. Sometimes just asking the right questions would bring light in his feelings and put his train of thoughts in order.

"I feel like there's still unfinished business between us. I don't expect him to praise me as his son. I..." Jin shook his head and closed his eyes. "I just feel like I should listen to his side of the story, even if it doesn't matter."

"Let's go then." Namjoon released him from his hug and turned him around so they can face one another. "If you want to do this, I don't want you to go by yourself. I'll be there for you."

Jin was touched. "Can you be any more perfect?"

Namjoon smiled and pecked his forehead. "I'm only perfect for you baby, just as you are perfect only for me."

"Cheeky bastard." Jin laughed as he playfully hit him with his elbow.

"Auch, that hurt." Namjoon faked pain, but smiled nonetheless. "I love you."

Jin pressed his hand on his own chest, above his heart, then pressed it on Namjoon's chest. "And I love you."

Passing through the gates of the prison was easier than expected, paper wise, but his heart was heavier. Namjoon was waiting for him at the gates, in their car. He wanted Jin to have privacy, as much as it was allowed.

Jin sat on the chair in the visitors lounge, waiting for Jihoon to arrive. Once he did, Jin moved to an empty table and sat opposite him.

"Seokjin." Jihoon said. Jin took his father's appearance. His hair was disheveled and the gray uniform made him look pale. There was nothing left from the CEO he once was. "Aren't you going to say something?" Jihoon asked as he tilted his head. "Why did you come here? Came to ask me to recognize you as my son?"

Jin raised his eyebrow. "Your son? You think I want to be your son? I don't need you to recognize me. I already exist. And being a Jeon is not on the my dream list."

"Then what the hell are you doing here?" Jihoon leaned back on his seat and crossed his hands on his chest.

Jin looked down at his hands then looked back up. "I want you to tell me about your affair with my mother. After everything you have done, you owe me that much."

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