Chapter 16: Jimin.

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Jimin was in his room, and god dammit, he heard stuffs his poor ears didn't want to hear. From the adjacent room, lewd noises, skin slapping skin, and growls could be heard. Now, he was no saint, but lately his roommate highly exaggerated. The guy, or girl he was with, it was the third one this week.

He got out of his room, plopped his headphones in, and blasted his music at high volume. He swore he would drown Taehyung in holy water after his sex match was over.

Taehyung was once again in low spirits. He was really angry, and that fucked his own mind. There were many people he managed to take down from YouTube, Instagram, you name it, his fans did all his dirty work for him. He just had to put out there a small gossip and his fans would go rampant. This time though, it didn't work.

Seagull was a formidable opponent. Anyone but him, scattered around like some rats just at the mention of VanTe. Yet, Seagull didn't, and he made that very clear. Taehyung tightened his grip on the man's waist as he pounded forcefully in and out at inhuman speed. The man's please went deaf ears, as all Taehyung could think about was ruining Seagull.

The man underneath him was a whimpering mess. His whole body was sore and painful. His hole had been abused over the limit. Tears trailed down his cheeks, silently praying for it to end. He will never do anything like that again. When he approached VanTe, he never thought his idol could be so strong, so volatile, a different persona than the one online.

Taehyung's mind was filled with images of Seagull. His pink pretty lips, those doe brown eyes, the cute little button like nose. The bunny smile, it drove him crazy. But what was more maddening, was the boy's attitude. That arrogance that Tae both loved and hate. The way the boy had his head held up high. Ever since the guy appeared in Taehyung's life, it was like he had no moment of peace. Everything he felt was pure anger. For the love of God, he couldn't even find his release anymore.

No matter how many people he fucked, or how many blowjobs he received, his mind was always going back to the brunette. Even now, he had a perfectly pliable bottom, who was taking his cock so well, yet, Taehyung felt nothing. It was if he thrusted his cock in bucket of warm water that was doing basically nothing. Beads of sweat was trailing down his forehead, his jaw was clenched.

"Hurts..." The man underneath his screamed.

"Shut the fuck up." Taehyung yelled.

Taehyung was done. He was really done. He wasn't even going to try anymore, not until he would find Seagull and put him into his place. With a deep sigh, he released the man that was pinned under him and threw his clothes on him.

"Get dressed and get out."

"O-okay." The man whispered as he wiped his tears away.

When VanTe contacted him, he was elated, but soon turned sour when his idol used his hole as a punching bag for his cock. He got dressed as quietly as he could, not wanting to upset his idol anymore. He couldn't stop wondering what he did that pissed VanTe so much. Wincing, he stepped outside the room and rolled on the floor, his head hidden behind his knees.

Jimin slightly jumped startled when his eyes suddenly saw a man on the floor, sobbing. "God dammit Tae." He mumbled under his breath. He took out his headphones out, and walked towards the man. "Hey, are you okay?"

"No." The man cried out.

Jimin could hear shuffles coming from Taehyung's room, last thing he wanted was for his roommate to find the boy on the floor. "Come with me." He gently helped the man get up from the floor, and dragged him in his own room. "Stay here, I'll make a tea for you." With that, Jimin got out of his room and prepared him a tea. Once it was done, he went back in his room and handed the shaking boy the cup of tea. "What's you name?" He asked softly.

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