Chapter 32: Namjoon.

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The Amber club was buzzing. The staff moved at a fast pace as they cleaned the club, wiped the tables and many other things. One of the owners, Kim Namjoon, was in his office, a bottle of still water in his hand as he looked from his window office to his staff. They were all laughing while working, which filled his heart with pride. He was a good boss and that was evident on the faces of his staff. The way they laughed, worked and had a permanent smile on their faces. It was an amazing feeling to think that they were happy while working for him and his brother. They felt respected and cared for. They were just like a family. Will Jin be proud of him? Will Jin love him the way he envisioned? With a sigh he sat at his desk, his head leaned on the cap of the bottle. Jin wasn't like anyone he had met.

His new found love interest was mysterious, funny and out of this world. His smile was warm, tender and oh, so infectious. His eyes would sparkle like thousands of stars in the night sky, making Namjoon's heart flutter just by remembering it. There were a lot of questions on how, what he could do to make the other fall for him. Last thing he wanted was to pretend he was something he wasn't. Also, Jin seemed like a top and Namjoon never bottomed for anyone, could he do that for Jin? He already knew the answer. He would do it if the moment arises, regardless of how uncomfortable he might be. He just wanted Jin by his side. He needed to talk to Yoongi. Hopefully, he could steer him in the right direction.

Yoongi still had two more hours to go until Jeongguk's driver will take him to pick up Jiyeon from school. He was surprised when the doorbell rang and Namjoon payed him an impromptu visit. Of course, Yoongi told Jeongguk that his best friend might come to visit him and his boss agreed. He wouldn't have invited Namjoon in, without the CEO's permission.

"Do you want a tea, or something else?" Yoongi asked as they stepped inside the kitchen.

"Coffee please." Namjoon replied.

Yoongi made the coffee and poured it in two cups, giving one to his best friend, one keeping it for himself. "What happened?" He wasn't one to dance around the bush. His best friend looked a bit off.

"It's about Jin." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I like him Yoon, and I don't know what to do."

Yoongi smiled and sat opposite of him. "Listen, just be yourself. You are amazing Joon. You're sweet, kind and not to mention hot. Who wouldn't want you?"

Namjoon shook his head. "What if he doesn't like me? What do I do then?"

"Joon, there's absolutely no reason for him not to like you, considering how he looked at you. Be your romantic self, show him who you are deep down. Don't pretend to be something you are not."

"You really think he's gonna choose me?" Namjoon looked at Yoongi with glistening eyes.

"Why not?" Yoongi patted his hand. "You need to try first, don't throw the towel before the fight. Plus, you'd look cute together."

"Ok." Namjoon drank the coffee in one go. "I've told him that I want to meet his mother."

"Great." Yoongi grinned. "Why don't you invite them to meet your parents? When are they coming back?"

"In three days." Namjoon replied back.

"Perfect. You have enough time to settle everything. Take a shot Joon. You got this."

"Thanks Yoon." He got up to his feet and hugged his best friend. Their talk, made him feel better, confident.

"Anytime, hyung." Yoongi smiled.

Before Namjoon had a chance to say something his phone rang. "Hello, this is Kim Namjoon."

"Boss, we have a situation. You need to come back fast."

"I'm on my way." Namjoon replied as he got up to his feet. He knew it had to be some kind of an emergency, otherwise his bartender wouldn't have called him.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked as he saw his best friend's frowning.

"There's an emergency at the club. I need to go. Will talk later. Take care." He gave Yoongi a short hug before leaving.

"When is your boss gonna show up?" A man asked the bartender in a low scary voice.

The bartender took a deep breath. "He's on his way."

She was terrified by the man in front of her. He was not only huge and muscly, but there was an evil glint in his eyes. She had seen her fair share of people and she was able to pick up their vibes. She also sent a quick text to her other boss, Jackson, just in case.

"Can I offer you a drink while you wait?"

"Give me a glass of whiskey on the rocks." The man demanded rudely.

The bartender did what she was asked. She poured him a glass of whiskey with ice. It didn't take long for Namjoon to arrive. He furrowed his eyebrows as he got closer to the bar itself.

"Hello, I'm Kim Namjoon. How may I help you?"

The man looked at Namjoon's stretched hand and smirked. "I want to reserve the club for a night."

Namjoon retrieved his hand and raised his eyebrow. He didn't like the tone the man used, nor the way he looked at him. "Ok. What is the occasion?"

"You don't need to know." The man replied back. "What you need to do, is sign some non disclosure contracts."

That was a bit fishy, in Namjoon's opinion. "For what exactly?"

"You don't need to know."

"There seems to be a lot of things I'm not allowed to know, but it's still my bar at the end of the day."

"Irrelevant." The man rolled his eyes. "Two days from now. And I need a couple of girls that will dance on our tables."

Namjoon certainly didn't like that. He will never make his female staff dance on some tables to entertain some rude ass customers. "I apologize, but this is not that kind of bar. Now, if you'll excuse me." He tried to turn around, but what the man said next, it made his blood boil.

"For the right price, everything can be for sale."

Namjoon licked his lower teeth with his tongue. "Like I said, we aren't up for sale. I would look for a different place if I were you."

The man didn't like to take no for an answer. He grabbed Namjoon's hand and tightened his grip. "We can do this the hard way, or the easy way."

Namjoon snapped his arm free and pushed the man away. "I don't care. Get out. I'm not going to say it again."

"Oh really?" The man laughed. "You and your bunch of whores think you are above us?"

Namjoon was seething. "Nobody insults my staff." He punched the man.

The man took a step back and punched Namjoon back. "You don't want to get me mad." He threatened.

"I'm not easy to be persuaded either." Namjoon replied back.

Jackson was already on his way when he received the text from the bartender, but he didn't expect to see his always calm brother, fighting with another man. Which automatically meant, the man deserved what he was getting. He quickly rushed into the defense of his brother and managed to get a grip on the man.

"Nera, some tape please." Nera, the bartender came back with the tape, as per Namjoon's request. Even though the man was struggling against the two brothers, Jackson and Namjoon tied him up.

"So...." He wiped his jacket of dust. "What was that for?" Jackson asked as he turned to his brother.

"He wanted to reserve the club, yet offered no information, also, he insulted our staff."

"Huh." Jackson smiled. "That's not a nice thing to do."

"We should call the police."

"Oh no. I'm calling my friend, Daniel Kang. He's a D.A." Jackson smirked.

"Great." Namjoon turned his attention to the bartender. "Nera, please call someone to clean this mess."

"Right away, sir." Nera nodded. 

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