Chapter 14: Jungkook part 2.

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*****Author's Note*******

This chapter was brought to you entirely by my baby Millie, please show it the love it deserves. 

I'm proud of you baby... You did very well.


Jungkook was now home. After meeting Hoseok, he did feel a bit at ease, but he knew that lingering feeling of emptiness would never leave him. He hadn't wanted Hoseok to leave, but at the same time, he also wanted to be left alone.

On the other hand, there was Jeongguk, who was starting to become very worried for his younger brother. Jungkook looked like something was seriously bothering him with tired eyes, sunken cheeks, bags under his eyes and he had also lost a noticeable amount of weight. He figured Jungkook had a lot on his plate, maybe his parents' snarky comments had gotten too overwhelming to handle. But Jungkook also seemed unfazed by the nasty things Jihoon and Jihee said, so it was definitely something more.

Jeongguk smiled as he thought of something that would make his brother instantly happy no matter what he was going through. He pressed the intercom that directly connected to the one in Jiyeon's room that they used to communicate with each other when Jeongguk was working late and Jiyeon missed him. The older prayed that his sister was in her room.

"Ggukie!" Her cheerful voice was heard through the recorder, making Jeongguk grin with excitement.

"Hi, buttercup! How're you doing? How was school?"

Jiyeon pouted, "It's okay, I don't like it very much. I have friends who make it better! How is work for you, oppa?"

"It's alright, baby. I'm very busy. I called you to ask if Mommy's home right now?"

"Yes, she's watching a show."

"Oh my god." Jeongguk muttered under his breath. "You wanna see Kookie, Jiyeonie?"

"YESSS!!!!" Jiyeon almost screamed.

"Whoa, inside voices, baby." He softly warned her, afraid that their mother might hear her, and put a damp on his plans.

"Sorry, Ggukie. I really wanna see Kookie."

Jeongguk smiled, "Alright, I'll pick you up in 10 minutes. We're gonna see Kookie, but don't tell Mommy, okay?"

"Okay!" Jiyeon was so delighted when Gguk came to pick her up. She was jumping up and down, shaking her little fists. She was going to see Jungkook after a month! The brother scooped his sister up, Jiyeon placing her hands on his chest.

"Ready to go see Kookie?" He whispered, the younger eagerly nodding. Jeongguk melted seeing how cute she was and how enthusiastic she was to meet her older brother. "Mother, I'm taking Jiyeon to the park, she's been wanting to go for ages." Jihee nodded, shooing them with her hand, paying attention to the show. Her oldest son sighed, walking out of the huge house with his jacket, briefcase and Jiyeon.

Jeongguk let Jiyeon knock on Jungkook's apartment door, smiling big at how truly adorable she was. Jungkook had been taking a nap to forget about his problems, at least for 45 minutes. He wasn't expecting anyone, so he was a bit surprised when he heard the knocking. Jungkook unlocked the several bolts on his door that he had to have so some crazy fan couldn't break in. He rubbed his sleepy eyes as he opened the door.

"KOOKIE!" Jiyeon shouted, holding out jazz hands.

"JiJi?!" Jungkook was flabbergasted, he thought his parents had done everything in their power to keep Jiyeon away from him. "C'mere!"

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