Chapter 13: Jungkook.

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Jungkook kept on staring at the comments that he was receiving, most of them were pure hate. Something he couldn't understand. Why were people so against him? Last time he checked, he did nothing wrong. He wasn't caught doing bad things, he barely left his home.

He took a deep breath, and read each one of them, trying to find the reason. He scrolled down through messages of hate, some of them even demanded he would kill himself. Their attack was brutal, and he felt as if he was suffocating. Tears rolled down his cheeks, especially since some of his own fans turned against him, demanding to shut down his account. Calling him names like whore, drug addict, useless and stupid.

He didn't understand why it was so filled with hate and death treats. As far as he knew, he didn't do anything offensive, or say something that would stir up controversy. There were no reason as to why would people demand to kill himself, or promising to shoot him as soon as their eyes landed on him. Jungkook was scared, confused, upset and angry.

It had been like that for the last two days, yet he couldn't bring himself to peruse through tons of comments against him. He was about to give up when he saw a comment that brought up VanTe. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and went on VanTe's Twitter account. He saw the post where the gamer practically spewed his hatred, saying things that weren't true.

One thing for sure, he wasn't going to apologize for things he didn't do. He wasn't a whore, he didn't do drugs and sure as hell he didn't waste his fans money on useless things. His existence alone was pretty boring. Except his brother and Hoseok, he hardly even had friends. He spent his time doing YouTube videos and playing games, even taking part in some contests. His last relationships ended two years ago. How was that fair?

Why was he accused for things he didn't do? Then again, why would those people needed his apologies? He knew one thing, his friends didn't need an explanation, and his enemies won't believe him anyway. Doing more than that, it was pointless. So he set up his camera and recorded a video for his loyal fans.

"Hello my dear BunBuns. I want to say thank you for the support you have shown from the moment I started until now, and hopefully for the future too. I know that many of you might expect an apology, or an explanation. I don't have to explain myself to anyone, it will only be useless given into account that you won't believe me anyway. I'm not doing anything of sorts, I've lived my life trying to maintain an adequate presence and lead by example, but if you want to believe VanTe, please unsubscribe to my channel. That's all I'll ever say on this matter. Thank you."

He closed his camera and posted the video raw as it was. He made no alterations, no filters applied. His words were eloquent, easy to understand. He wasn't going to plead, or beg forgiveness for things he didn't do, but he was upset. He washed his face, made sure he was more than presentable, and recorded another video. This time, it was for VanTe's private collection.

"Bad, bad VanTe." Jungkook shook his head, a dashing smile on his face. A smile he perfected over time. "Attacking me so in the open... Tsk, tsk, tsk. I wonder how it feels being so scared of someone, that in the end, you resort on fabricating all sorts of stories? Does that make you feel better? I bet you love when your fans threaten me. Wishing I was dead." He burst out laughing. He acted as if he was talking about some barbecue recipe, not the threats that he received online. "You see, you can say whatever you want, in the end, it doesn't even matter to me. You think you're all that, high up above on your white horse, looking at everyone like the king you believe you are. The truth is VanTe, you ain't shit. You talk a big game, but when it's time to deliver, you lose yourself." He shook his head. "Until next time VanTe. If I were you, I'd use my free time trying to be better, not being petty." He puckered his lips and sent him a flying kiss.

Jungkook closed the camera, sent the video directly on VanTe's email address, knowing that it will piss the man even more.

Hoseok pushed the rooftop door. He had previously called Jungkook and he assured him that he would be waiting for him in their special spot. It wasn't as special for Hoseok, as it was for his best friend. Jungkook rented the space in hopes that one day he would be able to transform it in a greenery of some sorts. He thought that he could grow some vegetables, or maybe plant some flowers, something to make his own personal heaven. Hoseok understood his friend's reasoning. In a world where you feel like you don't fit, or you don't belong, your heart longs for a place to call your own. A place where you can forget the miseries of life and just be yourself.

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