Epilogue: 3 years after.

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Life is a roller coaster. It has ups and downs, right and left. Sometimes it's a jazz song, other times it's heavy metal. Some days are rainy, other days sunny, but every day is worth living.

The five couples stood in a circle surrounding the camp fire under the dark sky full of stars. Their children were with their parents, whom they too had a night of their own. Their journey wasn't easy. It was filled with tears, heartbreak, loss, pain, but the most important thing, it was filled with love.

Jeongguk never thought that he would ever find someone to accept him for who he was, to see beyond the facade he was putting on. He never imagined he will be able to build something so beautiful and pure, like the family he had build for himself. He always thought his life will be revolved around work and his siblings. He didn't dare dream of such a beautiful life. Meeting Yoongi, was the highlight of his existence. His life was filled with colors now, some shades he didn't know existed. Even though not everything was perfect and stuff can always happen, he knew that everything will be fine as long as they were all together.

Yoongi's life had been a constant struggle for survival. He felt as if it was him against the world. Always trying his best to be accepted, begging his parents for scraps of love and attention. Something he missed deeply in his life. When he met Jeongguk, he didn't know that his life would never be the same. They had beautiful children together, a boy, a girl and Jiyeon that was like his own. He was thriving. He grew together with the CEO, and finally received what he longed for, even though there were people that didn't want them together, in spite of them all, they thrived. All his dreams came through.

Jungkook was in Taehyung's lap, as he watched the flames dancing. His boyfriend had his arms protectively placed around his growing tummy. Finally, after years of struggling, he was pregnant. His journey was by far the worst of the group. Abused and mocked by his parents and boyfriend, a miscarriage, attempted suicide, depression, the list was long. Yet, looking around him, he realized how far he had come. He had the support of his siblings, his friends that become his extended family. Not to mention his in laws who were like his parents. He had healed from all the pain he had gone through, and came on the other side as a winner. He became stronger, not because of his trauma but in spite of it.

Taehyung... Taehyung was a different breed altogether. He was an egoistical, self centered narcissist. He thought the world was his oyster and could do whatever he wanted disregarding the consequences. That until Jungkook knocked him off his high horse. Even to this day, he never forgave himself for hurting the light of his eyes. He learned from his past mistakes and vowed not to repeat them. Each passing day, he strives to be a better person. Last thing he wanted, was Jungkook cry again because of him. Now that they were finally expecting, Taehyung made sure that he was well taken care of. He catered to every wimp of his boyfriend, every craving. If Jungkook yelled at him, he would keep his mouth shut and praise his boyfriend for finding his voice. He wanted to show Jungkook, that loving him was not a waste of time. Even if his parents and friends wanted them to get married, they decided that a piece of paper doesn't hold a candle over the feelings they have for one another. They did have engagement rings and in their eyes, they were already married, in spirit not papers.

Jimin was watching his husband with loving eyes. His self hatred days were way behind him. Hoseok made sure to convince him everyday that he was perfect in every aspect. Who would have thought that one night in a club would end up in a marriage and four kids? Yet, there wasn't a thing he would change. He loved his husband even when he fucked up. Because Lord knows, Hoseok sometimes did fucked it up. However, they had learned that communication was the key as long as both of them were walking towards the same destination. They had a beautiful family, gorgeous children and a simple life filled with laughter and some petty arguments here and there. He smiled at that. Yes, he was happy.

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