Chapter 4: Taehyung.

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Kim Taehyung or alias VanTe, had a bad week. He had lost several games to the oh-so great Seagull gamer. He was VERY pissed. Sprawled out on the couch, legs parted and arms resting at his sides, Taehyung was having his dick sucked. The boy who was sucking him off was doing a terrible job, as if it was his first time giving a blowjob. It was sloppy, chaotic and all too wet. Taehyung's headache increased. He figured watching an over-exaggerated soap opera would be more entertaining than whatever this boy was doing.

"Can you quit eating my cock, this ain't your all-you-can-eat buffet, you dumbshit." The boy looked up at him, dick still half-hanging in his mouth. He had fresh tears pooling at his eyes. "You're gonna cry? Whatever, go back to sucking." The boy obeyed, still not getting the hang of it.

But Tae obviously didn't want the boy to continue. This dick-suck was boring, and not making him horny at all. He prayed for Jimin to finally come back from wherever he had been. Only the pink-haired could get the boy to go home without screaming at him. Maybe if he did that Beetlejuice ritual, might make his roommate come sooner.

He had to give credit to the boy. He was far to enthusiastic to what he was doing, but God dammit, Taehyung wasn't liking it. Thanks to him being a YouTube and a gamer sensation, it brought him a lot of playthings. One hotter than the other. He was even contemplating whether to strip him naked and plunge himself raw in the boy's hole. Nope. He shook his head, it was too much work, work he didn't want to do at the moment.

Park Jimin, at the current moment, was simply mortified. He was just locking up the local dance studio that he went to occasionally. He started walking down the dark, dimly-lit pathway that led to his apartment. He had to walk past 2 streets until he could be home. Jimin started thinking about the last 5 hours. He had just been at the Amber Club, getting railed to the edge by a hot man by the name of Hoseok in a ravishing suit.

Jimin hadn't expected to end up in a private booth with a crystal clear glass wall on the second story of the beautifully-decorated club when he first came in, he was just meaning to have a few drinks, dance a little bit and possibly be sober enough to walk home on his own. But obviously, fate has other plans, and he was spotted by the alluring and charismatic Hoseok, with captivating, hooded eyes. As if he was a mighty eagle, looking for its next prey.

Hoseok seemed to be looking to have some fun, and Jimin just wanted to let loose and drink, yet both ended up in the spacious room, feverishly kissing and feeling each other up, one eager for the other's dick and the older enchanted by the younger's beauty. They had gone for 2 rounds, Jimin had excused himself immediately after, throwing on his clothes and making a run for the dance studio.

Though he was exhausted and the soreness of his ass would soon pain him even more, he danced. Jimin usually danced when he was happy, when he was excited, when he had accomplished something. But tonight, he danced because he was embarrassed, he danced because he swore to himself that he would never have a one-night stand in his life, yet here he was.

Jimin made his way up the stairs to his house, his keys in hand. He put the key into its hole, turning it and opening the door.

"Ewww...." Jimin covered his eyes after he entered the apartment he shared with his best friend, being met with the sight of some boy he had never seen before sucking Taehyung off. He knew his best friend always invited his playthings over, but he didn't want to see Taehyung's dick out in the open. "How many times have I told you to fuck in your own room, asshat?" He said, cringing while taking his blazer off, leaving him chest-naked.

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