Chapter 45: JiHope.

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The atmosphere in the house was bleak. Hoseok ignored Jimin, while Jimin was sitting on the couch biting his nails. There was a lump formed in his throat that made it impossible for him to breathe, not to mention he felt as if he was sitting on needles. He had just found out he was pregnant, and that thought alone was making him want to run away as far as he could.

"That's it." Jin dropped his coffee mug on the table with a loud thud. "You two brats are making my head spin. Get your head out of your ass and focus. This isn't about you. This is about Yoongi. You either talk about what happened, or you leave. I won't let you ruin his birthday party. You got it?" He said in a loud screeching voice. He was so done with Hoseok's bullshit.

"I'll handle this." Namjoon whispered and pecked the top of his boyfriend's head. "Chim let's have a word." Jimin sighed and left with Namjoon to what it will be the art room.

"Now you." Jin grabbed Hoseok's ear and dragged him on the balcony. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He snapped.

"Hyung..." Hoseok whined.

"Do not hyung me. Got it?" Jin pointed his index finger on the younger's chest. "How long are you going to pretend you're not hurting? How long are you going to force yourself to stay away from the one you really love?"

Hoseok ran his hand through his hair. "For as long as it's necessary. I'm not good for him."

Jin laughed bitterly and clapped his hands. "Congratulations. I've never thought you're this selfish. You know, you might be right. He definitely doesn't deserve you. He deserves better. I just hope you're ready to see him with someone else."

"How am I selfish if I want him to be happy?" Hoseok narrowed his eyes. "Someone else? Is he dating already?"

Jin smacked the back of his head. "You're an idiot. You're selfish for not giving him the option to chose for himself. How do you know what he needs, huh? Did you ask? Or did you only stuck your head up your ass and decided for yourself?"

"I didn't..." Hoseok tried to speak, but Jin cut him off.

"Of course he's gonna date someone else eventually." He rolled his eyes. "He won't wait for your stupid ass. Jesus, Hoseok, I thought you are a smart man. How can you fail at this? How can you not see what's in front of you? Are you that stupid on a straight line?"

"I'm sorry, hyung." He lowered his head.

Jin smacked his head once again. "It's not me you should apologize, you moron. Talk to Jimin before it's too late." With that, he walked back inside. Taehyung smirked at him. "What? Do I need to scold you too?"

Taehyung raised his hand and the other one, he wrapped it around Jungkook's waist, as the other laughed. "We're good."

Well, not really good since Jiyeon was looking at him as if he had stolen her ice cream. It was more than obvious that the little sunflower hasn't exactly warmed up to him, not that he made an effort to connect with her. Taehyung didn't like children. He found them annoying and whining little brats.

"Come on Jinnie, leave the kids alone." Jackson chuckled.

"I can smack your head too." Jin grinned. Jackson laughed and shook his head.

Jimin sat on the edge of the bed, his fingers playing with the hem of his white thick sweater. "What's going on, Chim?" Namjoon asked softly while he knelt in front of him.

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