Chapter 20: Taekook.

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"Calm down. You're going to win this." Hoseok assured his best friend.

Jungkook was a pool of nerves. He was pacing through his hotel room, biting his lower lip. He wasn't scared he's going to lose the game, he was afraid of what his mother would do. Her threat was lingering above his head like a sword ready to drop any second.

"I'm not scared about the game, Hobs." Jungkook admitted.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

Jungkook sighed. "Mother accused me of kidnapping Ji, and I'm sure she's planning something against me."

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, while his hands formed into fists. He hated Jungkook's parents. Even when they came to the company, they treated everyone like shit, as if their employees were nothing but slaves. If it weren't for Jeongguk, they would probably be just that. The young CEO treated everyone with respect, from the cleaning lady, to the managers themselves, everyone was treated as an equal.

There were many times when Hoseok heard Mr. Jeon talking to Mrs. Jeon about his best friend, he could notice their words filled with venom and hate. The first time he witnessed a discussion like that, that was the time the Jeons lost Hoseok's respect.

Jungkook was his best friend, he owed him a lot, and if someone dared to even look at him the wrong way, Hoseok will never let it slide. "I'm sure your mother is not going to do anything." Hoseok tried to soften his voice. "Even if she tries something, Gguk will protect you."

"I don't need to be protected." That was Jungkook's worst nightmare.

To be so weak that he needed protection from his twin. Yet, he did believe he was weak. No matter how many attacks he received over the years, their words still had the same effect on him. His confidence dropped, his desire to fit, somewhere, anywhere, dropped too. There was no place for him. No one will ever care, so why would his brother defend him?

He was still confused as to why Jeongguk didn't push him to the wolfs, leaving them to feast on his body and soul. Or maybe, Jeongguk just waited the perfect time to attack. Jungkook shook his head. Those thoughts were making him doubt his own brother, the brother that supported him in everything.

"Kook, he's your brother. You know as well as I do, he's always going to protect you. Hell, if it comes to that, I would stand against your parents, whatever the risk involved." Hoseok placed his hands on the younger's shoulders. "I'm your hyung. I will never leave your side."

Jungkook took a deep breath and smiled. "Thank you, hyung."

Hoseok chuckled. "Now let's go and kick some ass."

"Well, I'll do the kicking and you do the clapping." Jungkook joked.

Hoseok was a bit relieved. He saw excitement sparkle in his best friend's eyes, and it was enough to calm himself a little.

Taehyung had lost. Again. To say he was pissed, was an under estimation of the rage that was bubbling inside his chest. Seagull, was, once again, on the first place.

"Our winner, Seagull." The host announced in the microphone, making his voice echo through the room. Some contestants clapped, honored to lose in front of Seagull, other contestants were glaring towards the male, Taehyung included.

"Thank you." Jungkook thanked the host and bowed. He really didn't know what to say, it was an honor to have won the competition, but did he really deserve it?

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